Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Megan texted one morning and asked if D would like a new to her helmet after her crash. And voila! She loves it!

Another sweet pre-k friend stopped by. 

They'd spent a few days putting together a whole bag of fun gifts for Delaney. And logan just had to do a silly face, love 5-year-olds!

Logan brought Delaney a new Frozen playdough set that has provided hours of fun.

Addie had been complaining about her ear bothering her for a few days. She had no fever and she wasn't complaining a ton, but after a few more complaints I decided we needed to take her in. 

Turns out she has an inner ear infection. Swimmers ear!

Glad we went in and our appointment was quick and easy. Phew!

That afternoon Maggie and aina's came over and the moms all went to the commissary for camp shopping. I'm 80% certain we over complicate things and 100% certain we buy way too much food, but oh well.  

And the lastest in the "mom, take a picture of me," series. 

We shopped so long that matt beat us home. We picked up a few Aldi pizzas to feed the savages and threw the food into laura and Sarah's cars and our fridge. It was a hot mess. 

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