Saturday, September 2, 2017

Adventures at Children's

Delaney was in shock the first 48 hours after her crash. Her jaw hurt and she showed no emotion and barely spoke. 

We arrived at Children's around 2am and we were sooo sleepy. 

We were in a long ER room separated into 3 semi-private spaces. During our time there the boy next to us was diagnosed with diabetes, and another little girl came in having a seizure. I definitely would choose the double broken jaw out of those options. 

D watched some tv and then I climbed into bed with her and we slept for about an hour after we got all settled. 

I woke up to the dreamiest doctor ever shaking my ankle to wake me up. Dr. Sherwood (aka McDreamy) is an oral surgeon intern and he explained that they wouldn't wire her jaw shut, but might have to put braces on her teeth and use rubber bands to keep her jaw aligned, but he wanted his resident dr. to check her out first. 

We fell asleep again and we're awakened again by McDreamy and his whole dreamy team. I'm guessing being handsome is a prerequisite to being an oral surgeon cause they were all cuties. And I was looking like a hot mess being woken up from my hot mess slumber. 😂

Anyways, they said her jaw looked like it was pretty well aligned and they didn't feel they needed to do anything just yet, but wanted to see us again in 3 days. And also that her chin needed glued. 

They hadn't cleaned her up at all, which kind of surprised me. I had been sharing pictures with Amy, Alli, and Lexi, and Lex was like, I'm an avid svu watcher, and they always clean them up right away! So the ER Dr came to clean her chin and after some debate we decided to glue it since it would be less invasive than the suture option. Delaney was frantic about anyone touching her face, so I consented to using the papoose. 

It was so sad. :(

She was so sad and mad after the chin glueing, but she did relent to watch a show. We were both tired and hungry and ready to go home. 

I didn't even think about the shirt Roslyn had lent us until my dad commented that we needed to burn the shirt, and even then it didn't occur to me what he meant till much later. I assured him when I spoke to him that evening that the good luck shirt was put on after the crash. 

And then we were released and got to relax in the bed while we waited for daddy to pick us up. Children's is in D.C. and a good hour and a half from our house. 

This sweet and precious baby. I asked her to give a thumbs up since she couldn't smile. 

And then they needed our room and we had to go to the waiting room which was about as fun as you'd think it would be. Isn't she just the most pathetic thing you've ever seen???

Our steed arrived pretty quickly and we got our precious patient all situated with her seat laid back and tucked in tight. She fell asleep after just a few minutes. 

We had so many friends offering to help and I had had a come to Jesus meeting with myself at the hospital and decided to accept it all. Because accepting service is important and Christlike. Lauren offered to pick the girls up and take them somewhere fun, and I said absolutely, thank you!

So D and I got to come home and sleep in my nice comfy bed with no guilt and no interruption. We both took long naps and it was so wonderful and healing. 

Just a few minutes after i woke up, we had our first of a steady stream of wonderful visitors. The buxton's brought d a fun juice and balloons, Oliver and Polly (from pre-k) brought a fun doll and bag of things to do, the aina's brought a stuffed unicorn, balloons, frosty, and tons of yogurts, and the Gravelle's brought Salsas for dinner and another milk shake for D. 

She was feeling so loved. And after I forced her to take some meds that night she had her first food in 28 hours, just one drinkable yogurt. She wouldn't eat or drink anything else, but at least she got a little something. 

Chris and brenna brought her some flowers and before bed that night we took this picture of her smiling to say thank you and show our appreciation. Love her smile!

Amanda from the neighborhood posted about D's crash and offered to collect cards to deliver to her and we started our get well soon doors on our pantry. 

Sweet girl was still feeling pretty crappy and still not herself, but we were all feeling very loved and very blessed already. 

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