Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Not the funnest day I've ever had

*steve jobs says funnest is a word, and that's good enough for me

We've begun the process of switching doctors. It's been such a difficult thing to come to terms with, but Matt and I both felt it was for the best. 

Delaney was our first patient of the day at the early morning hour of 8:30. Though we were there till 10, I still think the switch will be ok. Dr hunt seems very nice, and no, she's not an actual hunter. Trust me, Frankie asked. 

Because we got done at 10 and had to be back by 11, we opted for a quick lunch and playtime at McDonald's. Chris' appt at 11 went well too and we had just enough time to drop franks off at school after. 

Then it was home for regularly scheduled duties including, but not limited to google, COH planning, housework, and bills. 

When the girls got home it was rush, rush, rush. Today was the rescheduled science and technology night and setup  started at 4. Quick dinner, quick tidy up of the ladies, and quickly to school. 
We brought juice for judges and whoever wanted to try her experiment. She was the most popular kid in school for a few minutes there. All the kids concurred that their eyes really could fool their taste buds, it was cute. 
The projects (shockingly) didn't go according to plan and I put together frankies board last night around midnight. Someday things will go according to plan, right?
They had fun walking around and seeing everyone's projects. 
Delaney had off and on complained of a tummy ache all day, and at the school she decided she needed to go home. I won, so I got to bring her home. (:
And lastly, when I dropped Frankie off at school there was a boy in the front of the line saying "Frankie, Frankie! I have something for you! Frankie! I'll give it to you!" This is what I found in her backpack. so cute. (:
So to recap, not the funnest day, but also not the worst. 

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