Monday, April 16, 2012

43 reasons...

...i am glad my matt was born today, 43 years ago.

in no particular order:
  1. always up for an adventure
  2. great smile
  3. doesn't watch much tv
  4. healthy eater
  5. but he still loves ice cream and sweets
  6. and he'll eat whatever i make and tell me it was good!
  7. hard worker
  8. keeps our cars looking great
  9. keeps our yard looking great
  10. good provider
  11. amazing daddy
  12. good step-daddy
  13. good son, he loves and honors our parents
  14. loves the gospel
  15. super attention to detail
  16. good sense of direction
  17. and always willing to drive
  18. he's his own person
  19. always striving to be better
  20. good with money
  21. good mechanic
  22. good pilot
  23. good dancer
  24. good skateboarder (still, even in his old age ;)
  25. good surfer "
  26. speaks spanish
  27. super patient
  28. trusts me with all decisions
  29. loves the Lord
  30. loves the beach
  31. makes super cute girls ;)
  32. early riser
  33. always looking for ways to make my life easier and better
  34. listens to me
  35. always a gentleman
  36. always tell me i'm beautiful (even when i'm not!)
  37. encourages me to take time for myself
  38. and he really enjoys taking care of our children
  39. will help with any household task at any time
  40. keeps our computers running
  41. likes to go couponing with me
  42. always tries to magnify his calling - he really loves to serve
  43. young at heart
and i guess a 44th, he loves me, and (a 45th!) i love him. :)

happy birthday, lover.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Happy Birthday Matt!!