Thursday, March 18, 2021

Outside time

The best son-in-law left all us girls a sweet treat yesterday to thank us for taking such good care of the boys. He got everyone their favorite treat and each our own flowers. It was so very kind. 

Emmett and I hung out and cuddled and ate brekkie together like we do most mornings. 

Frankie joined us and we tried to get a trio pic but it’s hard to hold a big phone just so. 

Emmett has been so into holding Carter lately. Several times throughout the day he’d just sit down and pat his lap, then if we’d take him back before E was ready he’d clap to get him back. He’s so sweet and funny. 

We sent Cade a thank you shot. 

Carter took a bath and his hair was so fluffy. His hair is kind of funny because it’s longer in some parts and kind of bald in other parts. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out who he reminds me of, and Krusty the Clown came to mind just now. Carter’s way cuter. 

We took Em to the library. 

18 months is such a hard age. He wants to do everything and to do it on his own but he really can’t. We had fun but he is busy busy. 

They had a virtual escape room and for pi day they were giving a free pie coupon for Perkins. So we walked over there after the library and enjoyed their fish tank while we waited for our pie. 

They were stoked to each get their own slice of delicious pie. 

Delaney and I are roomies, have I mentioned that? It’s kind of funny that she decided to stay with me. I thought she’d sleep with her sisters, but she wanted to bunk up with me and it’s been so sweet. We read together at night. 

Delaney loves planning holidays and fun surprises. She made a whole long list of leprechaun things to do, and when we went to bed last night she got to work. 

She was up till 1 being mischievous. She cut construction paper into confetti, left out a bowl of water, put stuffed animals all around, covered picture frames with diapers, and left a leprechaun trap. All her hi jinx made for a sleepy girl this morning. I read in my room this morning to give Em and Cafe some quiet time. 

The boys wore matching St. Patrick’s day outfits this morning. 

Love these little leprechauns!

Delaney had her outfit all picked out and ready to go. Her cute new Sunday dress and special dangly earrings for the holiday. I got a pic of her with her confetti. 

We picked up shamrock shakes and lunch and went to a park because it was beautiful out. The girls loved climbing on this...statue?

Lexi and I haven’t taken a single picture together. The boys are way more fun to take pictures of. 

Emmett would play, come back and eat or check on Carter, play, and repeat. 

Tonight the girls had primary activities and they wished Frankie a big happy birthday in advance of her special day next week. She was so happy 

After that we all watched the music festival. It was so good and I loved president Nelson’s closing remarks and then all the kids singing. It was so beautiful, I’m so grateful for the gospel and a living prophet. 

After the music we took a walk to end the day. We walked to a park and then Lu and I walked back and forth on a trail while the kids played. It was a beautiful night and the Montana sunsets have been top notch. Emmett came home with a giant knot on his head that no one knows how he acquired, but he was fine with. 

We watched Miracles from Heaven and Lu and I cried like moms do when they watch that kind of movie. I can’t believe we’re leaving in just a week. It feels like we’ve been here a long time and also not that long. We’ve got a list of all the things we want to do and we’re working on checking them off our list. 

1 comment:

FloridaMimi said...

Isn’t it amazing when your baby is a momma too and everything is a whole other level!!