Friday, March 5, 2021

Day #356

Cade had his first day back to work today. Frankie, Delaney, and I were up early, before the boys, so we were able to get started with school before they got up, and then we were able to keep them happy while Lexi for a little more sleep. 

Delaney likes to prop him up on a pillow and play with him. 

We meal planned and then I went on a long shopping trip. During Emm’a nap, Frankie got some math tutoring from team Finlayson. 

I bought St. Patrick’s day cookies and E and I enjoyed one each. But then after a few bites of mine, he enjoyed 2 and I enjoyed 0. 

It’s so easy to forget how messy young new eaters are!  Crumbs and frosting everywhere!


Delaney loves playing with all the new toys. She’s not always the best about sharing and kindness and younger kids, but she’s doing a pretty good job of playing with Em. 

Poor Addie has a cold or allergies. We’re thinking she might be allergic to the cat, so I picked up some Claritin at wally. She’s being very careful with hand washing and baby holding. 

And of course Frankie is in heaven all around. We’ve talked several times about how we are here to help and what we can do to be helpful. I made White Chicken Chili for dinner and Frankie took Emmett to the park again, Addie unloaded the dishwasher, and Delaney cut onions. They are working to notice and pay attention to how others feel and what they need and how they can help. I was thinking how we’ve made it a tradition to come together to help when new babies are born and how, in many, many years, I hope the 4 girls and I can help with each new baby in our family. 

The boys had their first dual bath tonight and we all appropriately oohed and aahed at them. Then Delaney and Emmett had a dance party. E likes a song called Freeze Dance, and Delaney loved hopping and twirling with him. It was so cute, especially since he’s half her size. 

Tonight we’re eating junk food and watching Guardians of the Galaxy, which Lexi has never seen. And tomorrow, an adventure!

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