Tuesday, August 7, 2012

he's home!

this story starts with a big girl's love of her little brother.
that big girl didn't want to take 2 little girls with her to pick up her little brother.
so she tried to bribe, borrow, and steal to get someone to keep them.
(not really with the borrowing and stealing)
with her last desperate plea she said she would eat 2 pounds of steamed sweet baby carrots - which she hates - in exchange for said babysitting.. 
that was an offer that laura (who would had watched them anyway) couldn't refuse.
so that big sister was off.
and she did a pretty good job too. she ate 2 full platefuls before laura decided to let her off easy.
we teased that big sister that her vision would be so good on monday that she wouldn't even need her glasses anymore.
(on account of all the carrots, you see)
so the next morning off to the airport we went. 
without the 2 little sisters.
they missed each other. :)
from there we ate a delicious lunch lunch at cafe rio and then it was off to pick up the little girls.
they missed each other too.
the little girls were a liiittle bit unsure.
addie and frankie got over it pretty quickly, but laney just stared and stared at bubba.
no matter what he says, he loves his sisters.
those same sisters were so tired that this is how they were found later that day.
on the couch:
and snuck out of her room at bedtime and fell asleep on the stairs.
because that's more comfy than her bed...
and the mom and dad and 4 sister are soooo glad that brother's home.
the end.

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