Wednesday, December 28, 2011

gymnastics fun never ends!

gymnastics is still super fun, but has been getting pretty tiring for this big mama. so matt has been meeting us every friday to help with frankie's class. that means that i have lots of time for pictures!

~patient addie waiting for her turn. that's one of those little cheese spreaders in her mouth, ps.
frankie does not like stretching, or any part of the opening routine actually.
mommy makes her stay and stretch though.
i'm mean that way.
(here we are "rowing her boat")
finally she gets let free!
and she's off!
shhhh, sometimes we let addie sneak over to the bars during frankie's class.
this is her favorite, hanging like a monkey.
and franks flipping off of the bars. i know it's super blurry, but i love how addie's happily helping her baby sister.

"stick it!"
(and she actually did "stick it," which rarely happens!)

and i love the way frankie's looking up to her big sissy here.

and this is how frankie and i roll while we wait for addie.
princesses, books, and food (all over her face).
amy said she looks like a boy here, but i just think she looks cute. and dirty. and big.

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