Tuesday, May 21, 2024

More pta’ing and other stuff

My girls love to shove everything into their backpacks and their backpacks are stuffed full! Delaney decided to clean her bag out and this was the detritus. 

And her creepy picture face. 

Tuesday was snack day. I collected a *ton* of snacks from parents and then I went shopping to fill out the rest. 

We stocked the fridge with drinks and put treats on all the tables. 

Dominique stayed for an hour that day too to restock and then this is what it looked like after school. I tidied it all into smaller piles and left it out for teachers to grab. Except the fresh fruit, no one wanted that. 🤷‍♀️ 

That afternoon Frankie had to get a cavity filled. She was so nervous! I had to hold her hand and rub her leg and use my birth coaching methods to keep her calm. She had 2 favorites and one was done quick style but the other one she said she could still feel. So they gave her more numbing meds and she said she could still feel it. I love Dr. Hawkins, she’s so good and gentle and she really tried everything she could think of to make it better, but she still wasn’t ok. We were almost gonna have to leave and come back another day but I know my froggie and her anxiety for upcoming appts is through the roof, so I strongly encouraged her just to get it done. Dr. Hawkins said she could be done drilling in less than a minute, and Frankie finally agreed. 😅 it was kind of ridiculous, but I hate dental work too. And of course when we were done Frankie said she was so glad we didn’t have to go back. Obvi. 

This snake plant has gotten so tall! I’m not sure what to do with it. 

Wednesday was Slice House pizza and salad day, so I was there all day but managed to take zero pictures. Evelyn came to help me that day and it was nice to chat with her as we rotated pizzas and made fresh salads all day. I’m so sad Evelyn and Dominique are going back home this summer - I will miss them and all their help!

Thursday was Crumbl cookie day and I’m proud to say I didn’t taste even one. I got almost 300 mini cookies and cookies are one of the cutest foods. 

The admin decided to do lunch that day too, so it was a madhouse in the break room, but I set myself up and headed home, no restocking necessary. 

I had gotten a donation from Dr. Schneider, he’s always very generous with my pta shenanigans. 

So on the Slice House day as I was loading pizzas onto a cart to take into the school I slammed my hand in the car door. It hurt so bad and immediately turned purple and started swelling. Thankfully I could use my hand and after about 5 minutes it didn’t hurt anymore, and I iced it on and off all day. 

I was so happy for Friday! It was a super fun week but so so busy and mildly stressful. Friday was a half day, so D met me in the break room and she drew names for our raffle. We had 25 $10 gift cards and 10 gifts and after we drew a few raffle tickets we’d go around the school to deliver their prizes. It took was longer than I expected and we must have walked the whole school 10 times, but then we were done! The admin asked me to leave the decorations up till the end of the school year and I’d been taking my stuff home each day as I finished with it, so I just had a few things to grab and we were done!

After a quick adorable pic with my little helper. 

We watched Ezra one night and Frankie and Delaney loved playing with him. He loved my weights, so they were working out. 

Saturday was the St. Clements Island cleanup and D was very much pushing to not go. She even wrote a 500 word essay about how she needs to recharge on Saturdays and she really shouldn’t have to do anything. 🙄 

Taking a boat to a cute little island and picking up litter for a few hours is a pretty sweet service project, so I don’t feel bad for her. 

And Matt got me roses for Mother’s Day and I had fun arranging them so prettily. The arranging really makes such a big difference. ❤️

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