Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Some things

I’m up to my eyeballs in garland and Christmas lights. For years I’ve needed to remove all the non working lights from so.many.garland strands and I’m finally doing it this year. It’s taking a surprisingly long time, like the better part of going on day 3 today. That in addition to dinners, calling stuff, Christmas prep, and general household maintenance. It’s a labor of love and I’m enjoying the satisfaction of completing a long dreaded task and also trying so hard to stay on top of Christmas mayhem so I can be present and enjoy December. I’m sharing this Elder (now President) Holland quote in the RS’s I visit this month - and it’s made me teary every time I’ve shared it, so I really need to hear it too. 

To all of our mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are. 

In non-garland related news, we had the sister missionaries over for a brekkie dinner and home evening Monday night. They shared with us the new Light the World campaign for this year which is a modern nativity, so very fun. First task is to be the star and brighten someone’s life. I tend to be in my own world when I’m shopping, but I’ve been trying to be more personable, (weirdly I can be v v un-personable when I’m not focused) charming (see above), and friendly (also see above.)

Adi and Frankie walked them to the door with us and I grabbed a quick pic, and then Delaney, who was at the table working on a forgotten homework assignment (oh middle school) yelled “are you taking pictures?!” and rushed to the door. 

She’s a surprising little nut sometimes and she loves the missionaries. 

Yesterday was more of the same garland and lights, lights and garland. My delicate little hands are tender and scratched from removing non working lights. 😂

I had a presidency meeting where we are finally full throttle towards womens conference 2024. Can’t wait! 

When Matt got home he suggested we go for Covid shots, which we’ve talked about for weeks but haven’t made happen. So when the girls got home I let him have the task of informing them and from upstairs I heard the wailing of one Frankie G Ray. “You didn’t warn me! Noooooo! Not today, I need some notice!!!!” She literally wailed for a few minutes. 🙄

Anyhow, Walgreens hi jinx while we waited and Delaney “looked something up” on my phone. 

She’s really researching something something. 

Matt and I got a chuckle out of this one, his little bald patch isn’t that noticeable until someone takes a shot from right above his head. 😂

Incidentally, the shot giver at Walgreens is ah-mazing and that was the best shot experience ever. And we let her know that and regaled her with funny shot antics. Just us shining like bright little ⭐️’s. 😂

After, we made the girls take the frigid walk across the parking lot to McDonald’s, where much to my delight I found it’s McRib season! This is probably the grossest thing I like, and I’ll always think of Mindi cracking up at my love for them.  

The revamped our McDonald’s and it is tres fancy. 

Unrecognizably fancy. And since we couldn’t remember the last time we ate inside thag McD’s, we did, even though I’d already simmered a turkey soup. I’m being easy breezy this Christmas season. 

While Delaney ballet’ed, Adi, Frankie and I hit up target and Michaels. I saw these books when I was checking out and sent this shot to my favorite. 

D is excited about the Nutcracker, which the girls lovingly referred to as something else that rhymes with nut and starts with b and ends with 2 T’s. 

Anyhow, I miss my mom. 

Her birthday is December 6, and Christmas feels tender. ❤️

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