Thursday, November 30, 2023

Last night for young women (Delaney - “why couldn’t I go???!!!) the girls climbed at the Henderson’s. Their rock wall is so cool and unfortunately I’ve never climbed it. And I’d love to. 

For years I’ve wanted a pencil tree and finally I bought one and seeing it in our front room, even still undecorated brings me so much joy!

Yes, I’m overachieving on this. 

I chatted with Lexi-Lu and she is sick sick with influenza. They were sick and missed out on thanksgiving and then the boys felt better so she sent them to school yesterday, but while we talked they called and said Carter was not feeling well again and then he threw up last night. All my poor babies!

Christian and jeanne packed up their cute little first home together and set off for Alabama last week. 

After a brief stop here, where I took zero pictures, they made it to their new sweet home for the next year. I’m so proud of Christian chasing his dreams!

The Virginia Rays came for thanksgiving and on Friday we drove over to Solomon’s and walked around. 

It was beautiful and chilly. 

Just some cousins on a swing. 

We climbed up on their lifeguard chairs and I could have sat up there forever, so peaceful. 


Delaney will wade no matter how cold it is. 

After this we headed home for 2nd thanksgiving wherein we got out every dish and covered the island and feasted again. It was a delicious meal!
Delaney wanted one so bad! She swears this is gonna be her when she grows up!

And finally, after the Rays headed home Adi and I checked in on Chelsea’s shop. She swept and made sure everything looked tip top. We loved having a 5 day weekend!