Saturday, July 29, 2023

She’s Barbie, he’s just Ken

My wonderful dad drove up from Florida to watch Frankie and Delaney while we went to trek. He brought our new to us Space Car so we got 2 good things for the price of one. Dad modeled our Seacruisin’ sweatshirts for our Wales cruise. 

We loved the Barbie movie!

We all dressed up in pink, except Matt who was a preppy Ken. 

Sporty Barbie. 

Barbie with her mini me. 

And sassy Barbie. We loved the movie, it had a super good message and was fun and silly. All the feels!

We got all our stinky trek stuff washed and put away. And then the last thing we had was our giant pot that we’d cooked over the open flame and I swore would never be the same. But with the Pink Stuff and some elbow grease, doled out in several 10 minute segment’s because it was tiring, we got her as good as new. Picture to show our progress halfway through. 

On Sunday evening Matt and I drove our new Space Car down to Fredericksburg to meet up with Dan and Chantel to deliver a bouncing baby Frankie. She went to chantel’s girls camp again this year and it started Monday. My dad asked how we were liking our new car and I sent him this. 

Monday brought a trip to the dentist where Delaney moved to level 5 and Adi level 9. Its been taking forever, but will be nice when it’s done! We did a little shopping and stopped by Nola’s house for a birthday hug. 

On Tuesday Delaney tried out a class at Ballet Caliente. She’s midway between level 1 and 2, so we’ll see what their class schedule looks like. She’s showing the ballet slippers we borrowed for the class. And she loved it!

That night I went to LP’s new RS’s presidency meeting and then talked to Amber about our big September service project. All week has been busy getting all the things done

On Wednesday I went to the dr. I’m still getting used to having to take medicine every day, and I didn’t have enough for our whole trip. Then chelsea and I met up for a pre-birthday hike around St. Mary’s City. It’s been so hot so we waited till the evening and caught up and sweated and enjoyed this beautiful state. 

On Thursday I left at 6:00am for my 7 hour round trip drive to pick Frankie up from camp. First I picked up Rye and we chatted the last hour of my drive. I dropped her off to help chantel pack up and picked up Frankie a few hours before camp ended because she had a big appt that afternoon! She loves going to camp with Chantel!

It was braces removal day! Congrats to Frankie!

It was so fast, like 20 minutes start to finish! And we had laughed because she hadn’t gotten to shower before coming home and I thought they’d take her picture for their wall of fame, but they’ll take it next time. πŸ˜… And now she’s got a beautiful smile!

Also, I got the sweetest birthday card from Hallmark, like the store sent it to me, not just bought there. Form cards don’t usually make me tear up, but this one was sweet. 

And some funny memes. #true

Best. Commercial. Ever. 
I can’t believe when we get back from our trip the girls will be back to school! Summer has flown by!


We’ve been spending most evenings at the pool. This is my favorite time of year to swim, when it’s deathly hot and the pool is so warm. There’s not even a shock when you jump in, the water is so nice! We ❤️ Sunmer. 

1 comment:

Alecia said...

What? You didn't tell me about Delaney and ballet!!!! That is so awesome!