Sunday, February 3, 2019

Road trip!

Tuesday was Delaney’s 7th birthday. So weird to have my baby be such a big girl. We got donuts for breakfast and headed out just before 9:30. D ate a bunch of road trip snacks and Bubba bought her a Reese’s at the wawa in Virginia with the cheap gas. Piggy girl after my own heart. 

Everyone was excited!

These two were thick as thieves. 

D can be kind of prickly, so I always think it’s precious when she’s sweet with her sibs. 

She even played with  bubbas hair while he slept. 

We got to Great Wolf by 12. I had done a mobile check in and they had texted me to let me know our room was ready, so that was sweet. We met up with one of their characters right away. 

Part of D’s gift was to play Magic Quest. While the boys unloaded, the girls picked their wands and chose their names. Delaney was Queen Laney Bug. Frankie was Water Horse (she originally wanted Seahorse, but that was too common), and Addie was Lady Everly. 😂

We got a nice military discount on a Kid Canp room and the girls loved it! We rarely splurge on hotel rooms, so the girls thought they were hot stuff. 

Bubba brought her gifts, some gum, putty, and LOL’s - she was in heaven!

We had packed a bag with our swim suits and covers because we didn’t think we’d be able to get our room before 4, so everything was easy. We had also packed hoagie fixins and snacks, so we changed and ate a quick lunch. 

We were able to swim at 1, and we were all ready to hit the park!

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