This crazy haired chic came down first yesterday morning. And always.
Surprisingly, baby bug was next.
And rounding out the bedhead brigade...
Matt sanded and primed shelves and made repairs and I painted baseboards and fixed the walls above the baseboards that all needed it. It was so warm yesterday and we wanted to go for a walk, but instead we worked. We cleared out random stuff and Chris and Scott helped us move the couches upstairs. Since the sectional didn’t really fit upstairs, we’ll move that down to the basement after we get our carpet.
The girls enjoyed the warmth with Johnna and her grands.

I love that they love to play together! They brought a hover board and it was all the rage with the little Rays.


This morning was back to school. Never the most fun. D and class used a giant number line.

They came back from playing at the Aina’s ranting about Boxy Girls, so with Grandpa Ray Christmas cash, they both ordered one. Matt picked them up on his was home from work and they were so excited! And save Addie liked theirs so much, she ordered one too. Lucky daddy gets to pop in to Wally tomorrow too.

I painted shelves and basement baseboards and did laundry while i listened to the whole Homecoming podcast, seasons 1 and 2, and chatted with Amy.
I love that they love to play together! They brought a hover board and it was all the rage with the little Rays.
This morning was back to school. Never the most fun. D and class used a giant number line.
They came back from playing at the Aina’s ranting about Boxy Girls, so with Grandpa Ray Christmas cash, they both ordered one. Matt picked them up on his was home from work and they were so excited! And save Addie liked theirs so much, she ordered one too. Lucky daddy gets to pop in to Wally tomorrow too.
I painted shelves and basement baseboards and did laundry while i listened to the whole Homecoming podcast, seasons 1 and 2, and chatted with Amy.
Johnna invited the girls to play again after school today, and I had every intention of going, but then realized the shelves needed 2 coats, so I stayed home. 😩

I started my One line a day journal yesterday! These have always looked like so much fun to me, and I’ve given several as gifts. I was pretty sure I’d given one to Lu, but asked her anyways and she said I hadn’t, so I wrapped this up (I have a few in my closet from when I found them on sale) and then she found the one I gave her. So since this was wrapped, I decided to keep it for me. 🤗 in other words I *intentionally* kept it.
I started my One line a day journal yesterday! These have always looked like so much fun to me, and I’ve given several as gifts. I was pretty sure I’d given one to Lu, but asked her anyways and she said I hadn’t, so I wrapped this up (I have a few in my closet from when I found them on sale) and then she found the one I gave her. So since this was wrapped, I decided to keep it for me. 🤗 in other words I *intentionally* kept it.
So far, so good, 2019!
I have that exact same journal! I just started year 2.
Love the 'Bed Heads'. I sense a contest coming up someday.
I also like your list. I, myself, intentionally chose to be more circumspect in my life as well as in my photography. It was a "deliberate; done on purpose" decision. I wish to be more "wary and unwilling to take risks" in my personal life.
And I shall endeavor to use the dictionary as often as possible. And I shall be continue to be audacious, arch, bold, bold-faced, brash, brassbound, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, cheeky, cocksure, cocky, fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy, wise and ever so charming in deploying my rapier-like wit.
I shall.
P.S. L.T.B.
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