Friday, January 4, 2019

40 things

Last year was the year I turned 40. I thought a lot and planned a lot, and it was really a wonderful year. I came up with 40 goals for myself, typed them out, and checked my progress monthly. On paper I didn’t do great at most of them, but I feel good about them, so that’s a win. In your 40’s you can twist all sorts of things around, it’s great!

Without further ado, my 40 things. 

  1. Train for and complete a marathon - Running was spotty for me this year, but I did run some. Clearly didn’t complete the marathon, but it is still in the plans for someday. 
  2. Finish Book List Challenge - this is the “100 books to read before you die” challenge I started back in 2012. I made huge progress this year - completing 12, and am sooo close to finishing. I am in the middle of 3 boring books - Ulysses, Under the Volcano, and The Electric Kool-aid Avis Test - and will be done... soon. 
  3. Listen to the Book of Mormon once a month - I am at a point in my life where I drive and work alone frequently, and have lots of time for listening, but not necessarily sitting down to read. I decided to try this experiment and see how it would go, and I loved it! I grew more familiar with the stories and gained tons of new insights. I was really good the first half of the year, but fell behind when I went to California. I was able to catch back up though, and listened to the BoM 11 times, and read it completely through once because of President Nelson’s challenge. 12 times this year. Success. ✅
  4. Temple more - another success! I was able to go to the DC temple 5 times before it closed in March, and have been able to go to Philadelphia 4 times. That’s pretty good, and I call that a win. ✅
  5. Maintain weight range goal - I actually did make it into the desired range for a short time, but now I’ve put on my winter weight. Not giving up, but not really a success. 
  6. Stretch - true, and truely dumb confessions. I know I would feel better if I consistently stretched. I have known this for years. It has been the answer to prayers and I have no doubt. And I still am not consistent at making it happen. Room for improvement on this one!
  7. Yell less - I honestly think every year i yell a little less. And I believe this year was no exception. It’s good. ✅
  8. Weigh myself everyday - I think this would be a key to maintaining, but my problem is that when I’m not exercising I eat worse, and when I eat worse the last thing I want to do is weigh myself. I haven’t conquered this mountain yet, but it’s still on my radar. 
  9. Finish 40 books - see #3 about having more time to listen than to sit down. Most of these were audio books, and there were several Percy Jackson’s in there, but goal accomplished. (I am including my 3 partials from my book list challenge in that, because it’s my list and i can do what I want) ✅
  10. Better personal journal - ✅
  11. Get rid of 40 things a month - ✅ and then some. I honestly don’t know how we still have so much stuff in our house. 🤷‍♀️
  12. Recognize birthdays - nope. Still not great. But I did spearhead big celebrations for my mom and dad, so all was not lost. 
  13. 100 Visiting Teaching - it feels like so long ago, but I guess it has only been since April that vt’ing was switched to Ministering. Since then we’ve been given the stewardship over Ministering Interviews, which are challenging, but so good. Imma call it good on this one. ✅
  14. Be happier and change perspective - I can honestly say this is 💯. ✅
  15. Read Ensign monthly, cover to cover - I’d say I got this 50% done. But if you look at where i started from, that’s like, 100% better. 
  16. 1 Second a Day - I take so many pictures of other people, so I made this goal to include myself in every second. And I did. ✅
  17. Less time on phone - mmmmm. I’d say a smidge less. But every little bit helps. ✅
  18. Council every month with RS leaders - I think it’s important to have one-on-ones with my counselors and secretary, compassionate service coordinator, and welfare specialist. Aaaand, this didn’t happen. With all the changes, it’s back to drinking from a fire hydrant. But I’m recommitting. 
  19. Take better care of my teeth - my teeth suck whether I floss regularly or not, but it’s still important. ✅
  20. Make a planner - for several years, at the beginning of the week I sketch out a graph and map out my week. I use scratch paper for calendaring, meal planning, and to do lists. Tracie makes her own planners and I talked to her about using the format that has worked for me and she’s game. But I never got to it. 🙄
  21. Take better care of my skin - it’s so easy to let things for myself go. But this whole acne and wrinkles thing is the lamest. #workingonit ✅
  22. Read The Friend with the girls every month - not 100%, but pretty close! We’ve got one that we’re working on, and then I think we’re 100%. - edited to add - done. ✅
  23. Eat more fruits and veg - mmmmm, some days. But not all days. 
  24. Memorize The Living Christ - I came in hot on this one, but then April happened and the church started changing things on the reg, and I got sidetracked. 
  25. Better planning - holla! ✅
  26. Piano - I wanted to do something, anything, but I didn’t. 
  27. Find the perfect jeans - Amy got me a gift card for this, you send your measurements and they make jeans for your frame. But I can’t order them until I get to goal range, sooooo. 
  28. 40 dates - with any family members. I lost track, but I don’t think it happened. 
  29. Deliver 40 meals - our year went sideways from the get go when the painting took longer than planned, then we were gone for 6 weeks, and then the great basement flood heard round the world. So this didn’t happen. I got at least halfway there, but I also lost track. 
  30. Find 40 names to take to the temple - I found a bunch, but then also did a bunch of ordinances that I’ve had printed for a really long time. Pretty sure I found/completed 34, and that’s pretty. Sweet. 
  31. Play more with the girls - I’d say yes. I like “more,” because it lends itself to progress even if it’s small. ✅
  32. Host 2-4 families per month - see #29 for why this went sideways. Giving lots of grace on this one. 
  33. Figure out cleaning schedule - our home has been in upheaval since last January’s painting project, so there’s not been a great need for a cleaning schedule. But this nerd loves herself a schedule, so you know it’s happening soon!
  34. Bucket list for each season - not sure why this didn’t happen, but sounds like a good 2019 goal!
  35. Be more flexible with plans and people - yeah, boi! ✅
  36. More praise - sure, I think so. ✅
  37. Reach out/express appreciation once a week - so this didn’t happen once a week, but I did send lots of cards and tried hard to send thank you’s. So, success. ✅
  38. Stay the course on home improvements - I’d say pretty much 💯. ✅
  39. Read and prep for each Sunday - ✅
  40. Sit in quiet - nope, didn’t happen. But one thing I noticed about last year, and myself in general, is that I cram a lot in. I’m always in a hurry. And 2019 is more about slowing it down. Still getting it done, but also taking the time to slow it on down. Another 2019 continuation. 
I got a solid 19 out of 40, and made progress on some other ones. Not bad for a busy 40-year-old. I’ve loved my year of 40 things, and am looking forward to writing out my 2019 goals. 

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