Thursday, October 1, 2015

Looking back

Sometimes when I'm super behind on blogging, (like, almost every time I blog) I like to start from where I left off. And sometimes, like now, I start from today and work my way backwards. Just like to keep my 2 readers guessing. (;

Today there's been lots of talk about this:
The good news is that it looks like he's veering off east into the ocean. This is what they were calling for, which would have been a direct hit for us. 
The bad news is that we're still getting pummeled by rain from a nor'easter. The grounds are soggy wet and there's no end in sight. On Tuesday when Laney and I flew in, bwi had a record 2.5 inches of rain. That was fun to drive home in. But back to today. 

This is what life looks like lately. 
Today lady lanes went to preschool at Colleen's. She's been a super momma's girl lately, and is also pretty jet lagged, so she wasn't thrilled to go. But momma was doing some major shopping, so we were able to talk her into it.
My lil' buddy being adorable. 
Today I did some big time couponing. Not as storm prep, but because I was gone for a week and we had no milk, bread, or eggs. Chris was out of deodorant. And the smell coming from Frankie's school shoes has, quite frankly, become a cause for concern. 

I left at 9 and didn't finish till 2. I love shopping, but that was a long day. And I only ate to the first layer of the mint milanos, that's some major restraint. then I got to unload. The exciting life of moms. 

This evening while I drove the preschool carpool, (say that fast 5 times) Matt and Chris picked up sandbags for us and some neighbors. Good boys. (: 

The wind is raging inside and out as the third night of jet lag sleeplessness keeps the baby girl awake. Good thing she makes adorable faces like this so I can love her even when she's difficult. 

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