Monday, September 14, 2009

Cold, cold go away!

It started the Monday after school began. Alexis and Christian both started sniffing and I started sounding like a broken record. "Blow your nose," "Did you wash your hands?," Do you need more hand sanitizer for school?" replayed over and over. And over. Of course, after about a day of their sniffles, Addie started and hasn't stopped. Don't you love the perpetual green fount coming from baby noses?!

Matt started about a week after the kids. Then Christian stopped. Slowly Lexi and Matt started to dry up (Addie's fount is still going strong though). 

As my families tissue consumption rose in direct correlation to the redness of their noses, I was happily breathing freely and clearly. Ha, I thought, I've avoided the first cold of the year! 

My sitting high on my "My immune system is better than yours!" throne didn't last long. My sniffles started Saturday night. :(

Today Addie and I are looking like twinkies with our red, runny noses. And searching for an uncongested breath, I'm seriously contemplating some relief with her nose plunger. 


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