Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Jeanne’s weekend

I took one picture on Friday and it was this one of Lexi cheering and Adi supposed to be cheering that Amy and crew were on their way. I cooked for the memorial dinner most of the day. Adi stayed home from school to help and she cleaned and prepped the house for the shower on Saturday. Lu made the diaper cake and was my Sioux chef. Sweet baby Henry was adorable. 

At 5:30 Matt, Alexis, Henners, and I headed to the funeral home for the memorial. Adi driving has been such a blessing and we have so quickly adapted to her helping with rides! She took care of the dance run so we could take care of Jeanne. 

We paid our respects at the funeral home and met some family we hadn’t met yet. We must look like churchy people, because the priest that conducted the prayer service kind of beelined over to us. I don’t know a lot of priests but I’ve never met one I didn’t like. 

We stayed for 30 minutes and then headed to the white plains building to set up for dinner. We found a nice size room that worked and cleared it of extra chairs and white boards and random wooden stool/scout projects. I wish I would have taken a picture because it looked really lovely. 

I had made a lasagna and then a pasta bar. I had done a pasta bar for the ward Christmas party last year so it was fresh in my mind. We had Alfredo, Italian red sauce, and plain butter pasta, salad and fruit, two kinds of rolls, and then southern banana pudding (which used to be Christian’s favorite but I guess isn’t anymore), chocolate trifle cups,  a variety of cookies, and sodas. 

We used the real dishes from the kitchen because that’s the way Colleen trained me to serve at funerals and so that’s what we did. I hate paper plates anyway. After we got everything warming and all the tables set up the 3 of us sat down and ate because we were also starving. 

Lu and Henners stayed till just after everyone showed up at 8 and then she fed Henry and headed home. Amy and crew had showed up so all my girls kept them company. The dinner was sweet and her family was very grateful. 

Jeanne’s mom’s best friend and her family came too and they stayed late talking and catching up, which was exactly the point of the evening. While they chatted, Christian started clearing the room. Matt washed dishes and I took things to the car as we were done with them and Christian helped put away tables and it just all went really well. 

I had asked a few friends to help with food and that was so nice and took some pressure off. I’m so grateful for a husband that goes along with almost all of my big ideas. When it comes to serving I know I don’t even have to ask, he’s always in, and I love him for it. 

It was all hands on deck when we got home and we got everything unloaded and put away and immediately started on baby shower prep. Everyone stayed up late, (all weekend actually) but Amy and Alexis and I made several baby shower dishes and chopped and organized and talked until 3am. 

I was up early to make my fancy strawberry cupcakes, and Matt helped then. At 10:30 we called another all hands on deck and everyone came together and put food out and finished decorating cupcakes and it was so fun and such a sweet time. 11 people all working happily - it was just a really great day. 

I asked everyone to take pictures for me because I knew I wouldn’t. 

Lu was in charge of decorations and I did food and games. 

She picked the Berry Sweet Baby theme and it was so cute. Baby Ruby got a lot of strawberry gifts and we decided she’ll have a strawberry themed life. πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ 

Jeanne said she’d like games so we played Alecia’s children’s book jeopardy and baby themed Eye to Eye. 

I had a few prizes that I tasked Alexis with giving out. 

The kids were all excited to be part of the shower too, but only Delaney ended up staying upstairs for any amount of time. She also put the jeopardy questions into a game format and was the host and she did awesome! I let the kids know after everyone had made a plate and they were safe to come get food. 

This was the one picture I took. Everyone was so generous and baby Ruby is so loved and I think it was a really fun day. Which was lovely because it is a really hard time for Jeanne. It was good to celebrate. 

Some of Jeanne’s friends stayed after to chat, Stephanie had come to the shower and Pablo and Christian went out for a bit, so after they hung out, and Alecia stayed and chatted with us. I love that lull after the party is over and it’s time to reeeelaaaax. 

After the friends headed out we got our comfies on and it was all hands on deck for a third time and we got everything put away and squared away really quickly again. 

Jeanne sat among her piles of gifts and organized and showed Christian some of their cute things. It’s pretty special seeing your babies becoming parents. 

I love a full house. We had Christian and Jeanne in the basement bedroom, Alexis and Henry in Adi’s room, Amy in Frankie’s room, Delaney, Max, and Adi in Delaney’s room, and Quinn and Frankie on the basement couch. ❤️

We adore this guy!

For the most part everyone was good about taking turns with him. He got cuddled the whole time he was here and we all can’t wait to have another sweet baby to pass around. 

We played lots of Skull King and ate lots of shower food. 

We tried to stop eating shower food long enough to work up a Brusters appetite, but I don’t know that that actually worked. Nonetheless, we donned our pj’s and hit up pajama day at Brusters.

It was pretty chilly, so we grabbed our free sundaes and headed home. 

Such a fun day!

The girls played dj as we played games and when a Just Dance song came on Adi and Delaney treated us to a whole routine. 

Those moves are all so ridiculous, it was really funny. 

Then they found one that Max also knew, so we got another performance. 

Amy, Alexis, and I stayed up until 3 again, only it was daylight savings day so we watched the clocks spring forward and then we knew we needed to get to bed. Christian and Jeanne went to bed early’ish because they got up at 5 to start the 14 hour drive home. Christian ended up renting a small trailer for all their new baby gear and also some things from Jeanne’s mom’s house. I woke up from my one hour nap and gave them hugs and kisses before they left. Lu didn’t even bother going to sleep before they left, so thankfully she was able to sleep in the car. 

They dropped Lexi off and sent this cute picture of Scoop excited to head to her new home in Alabama. Scoop is Jeanne’s mom’s dog and she needed to have her. ❤️ Thankfully they made it home safely too. 

We spent the morning with the Seagrove’s. I don’t know how Amy and I never run out of things to talk about, but we don’t, so we talked all morning. And then it was time for another goodbye. 

I left at the same time because I had a missionary meeting at the Calvert building. I had prepared my part of the training earlier in the week and thankfully the technology worked and it all went really well. People participated and the spirit was strong and it’s always fun to see my relief society leaders and all the cute missionaries. And the elders quorum leaders too I guess. πŸ˜‰ 

I made it home and couldn’t keep my eyes open for another minute. I took a quick couch nap and Matt and I went for a walk and I cuddled the girls during scripture time and reflected on a truly wonderful weekend. 

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