Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Happy 15th birthday, Franks!

I don’t remember when birthday donuts replaced letter pancakes, but somewhere along the road, they did. I got extra for seminary kids and we feasted. 

Monday’s are our busy days with piano then ballet and Frankie’s taking a 4 week tumbling class. She requested a fancy Panda Express dinner, so I picked it up and we feasted in the 30 minutes between activities. So much of my celebrating revolves around food and I’m not sure how to change that. 

Frankie is fun and outgoing and easy to talk to. She is right up there with my most social children and she always has been. She’s easy to please and has such a sweet and pure heart. She has lots of ideas for the future - her latest ideas were to be a teacher or some kind of medical something because she wants to care for people. ❤️

I don’t always ❤️ Facebook but I always ❤️ Facebook memories. I go back and forth about posting, but when I see sweet memories it always makes me want to post more. 

Adi and Laney went shopping Saturday and made the cutest basket for Frankie. All her favorite things and she loved it. 

On Sunday Frankie said “I wonder if sissy is going to make me a 15th birthday video like she did for Adi.” And I was all like 😳. And I texted Lexi and she was all like 😳. And then she got right to work and when she couldn’t figure out the music she got with Christian and he figured it out and Frankie loved it. 

We laughed and laughed.

And another reason grownup kids are so bomb. 

On Saturday Adi and Laney went shopping and they put together a gift basket for Frankie full of her favorite things. It was very sweet and she loved it. She had a good and lowkey birthday. 

Damian is such a good daddy. His dad passed away when he was a little boy, so he didn’t have a good example of an involved and loving father, but he sure is giving these precious boys one. 

And just look at this funny baby! This was a live picture and in the video his tongue out was so quick, but it’s such a funny still shot. 

This memory also came up yesterday of my mom loving on my Lexi-Lu. She didn’t like having her picture taken, so this is extra special. She was such a good nanny and I know she continues to watch over her grands. We miss her. 

And look at me go. That’s a lot of days. I am super far from perfect at Duolingo and often have to use my freeze protection, but just like in life I just keep trying. I mean solo sigo intentándolo. 

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