Pink eye strikes again. This was day 2 in Florida. Writing from home as we’re already back home, and so far Frankie, or pinkie as uncle David affectionately called her is the only other person to get Carter’s pink eye.
For the first time in our spring break in Florida history we had a full on rainy day. It was grey and thundery and it lasted all day. We enjoyed the sunroom and of course the girls enjoyed playing in the rain.
We decided to go watch a rainy day movie at The Villages only movie theater. It’s a cute old style theater. We got a jumbo soda and jumbo popcorn, both with free refills, and we enjoyed the new Ghostbusters. It was a nice rainy day activity.
It was warm’ish but very much not hot. The water in the pool was warmer than the temperature outside, so it was hard to get out!
I thought it was funny that Delaney and Frankie fixed their glasses at the same time. Also, check out Adi’s thrift store bucket hat! So quirky. So stylish.
Because pink eye can supposedly be spread in pools, Frankie just sunbathed and then we drove the golf cart home together.
Hey girl, where’d you get those long arms?!
That’s a smooth little electric ride.
That night after enchiladas for dinner we headed down to Sumter Landing for the sunset and ice cream.
Lots of characters in The Villages.
It was a *beautiful* night!
Add a little Haagen Dazs and it was just about perfect.
And one of the coolest things of the whole trip was seeing this cutie right up close to shore.
Delaney named him Gary and was sooo happy he made an appearance. She loves all things crocodilian.
Good ol’ boy!
The cute movie theater all lit up, and golf cart parking for days.
We slept in everyday and enjoyed our time so much that the days went by so fast. And before we knew it Thursday was over.
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