Monday, January 22, 2024

Stake conference weekend

It was a wonderful and very very cold weekend. Delaney has been trying to freeze bubbles but they keep popping. I don’t think it’s quite cold enough. 

They look cool though, they do some cool electric ripple looking thing before they pop/disintegrate. 

I had an area stake relief society council during the day Saturday. We had a family services counselor come talk to us and it was SO good! I took pages and pages of notes. And now I want to be a counselor again! I wonder what I’ll be when I grow up. 🤔 

Matt and Frankie went to Quinton’s basketball game while I zoomed. They brought the little Dorns home with them for their slumber party at our house while their parents were out of town. 

Wonderful Adi made pizza dough and helped everyone make individual pizzas. Matt and I went to the adult session of stake conference with Alecia, Noreen, and the Frazier’s. It was a wonderful meeting and also just wonderful to be together. I don’t now and I hope I never do take for granted how nice it is to be together in person with groups again. 

Sunday was an early morning, much to the crews chagrin. We managed to get out the door by 8:30 and were on our merry way. 

We packed snacks and paper and pencils and they all did really well sitting the 2 hours with just Matt as the adult. I sat in the wrong spot on the stand where my big head was constantly visible on the screen. Mental note for next time. The crew wrote me 2 notes and the conference was wonderful and my talk went well and also it’s done. I like giving talks, I appreciate the opportunity, and also I want to represent my savior well and so it’s a big responsibility and always nice to be done. 

The kids played so well together, we had zero issues. They played games, both board and Wii and agreed on movies and it was an easy weekend. We had linner and then snacked the rest of the evening. I made a quick smores dip that was just ok but we managed to kill. 

They played our family faces memory game all weekend, it was cute. “I got me!”

Matt took the Dorns home at 8 and I jumped on a presidency meeting zoom and it was just a great weekend. 

And some memes. 

This is so funny and sort of true. Why don’t you want to do the things I want to do???





All dayers are rough. 

Why is this so hard? 👇🏻 

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