Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Life has been pretty tame the last few weeks, so nothing fun to write about. 

Delaney and I made a deal about having a good attitude at church, and then I saw this picture shared. 😂😂😂 She’s lucky I love her so much. 

Speaking of Lanes, she started ballet and looks so cute in her leotard and bun. I wish she’d let me do her hair everyday still. And that she still wore pink cowgirl boots too, but 11 year-old bug is pretty great too. 

Tom sent Amy and I this picture and even though my eyes are closed, I love it. We adored that baby brother of ours!

Lexi had a fun birthday idea for papa that we sent, late obvi. 

It’s the front page of The NY Times from his birthday for every year. ❤️ It’s what you get the guy who has everything. 

One slow Saturday we went to Kneaded and finally met our LG neighbor who owns it. 

Delaney had to do a presentation about something that affects the community, so she wrote about the declining bee population and subsequently has been obsessed with bees. I know soooo many bee facts, y’all. She practiced her speech with us and it’s actually really cute. She’s a funny and engaging writer. 

We had a Trek reunion dance where we got to do some square dancey kind of dances. I grabbed this shot of adi dancing away. She spent a lot of time in the game room, which I think is so cool that they have game rooms and quiet rooms for kids to hang out. 

We had 5 kids from our family there and it was so fun to see them! It was a great night. 

Piano started the week after Labor Day and Frankie is a goof. 

Matt was out of town for 2 weeks so I got to do all his stuff, including, but not limited to extra watering of the front grass. This was my “look how much I love you I’m watering the grass” shot from 10pm. It’s been so dry all summer. We need some rainy nights!

Playing all summer = Matt and I both have had huge to do lists. We’ve been happily chipping away at them. One of the things I did was finally put handles on my hutch. I bought 2 sets of hinges for the doors and finally decided to paint the original ones because I couldn’t find the right style/size. It’s almost done, I just need to figure out why my screws don’t go in all the way. I’m seeing the electric screwdriver in my future but I’m nervous. 

The girls and I overhauled the basement toys and they got rid of so much and also decided they were ready to part with their tsum tsums. They are so cute that I sent Lu this pic and asked if the boys would like them and she said yes! She is very tidy and minimalist, so I never know. 🤗 We also sent a Moana set and we got to FaceTime last night and watch them play with all their new toys. 

I also cleaned out my nightstand and decided to put Christian’s amazing sticker on my water bottle - why not? 🤷‍♀️ Delaney saw it and was all like - where’s mine I need one now. So bubba is sending her one. 😂 His something or other boss made them. 

We took new passport pictures and fingers crossed they accept them! Our appt is tomorrow. 

I bought magnetic lashes monthes ago and promised the girls we’d try them out, so finally on Sunday we did. Long long lashes are all the rage and these were kind of ridiculous, but it was fun to play with them. 

I’m unpacking one Halloween bin a day and one of my favorite things is looking at all our old Halloween pictures. Emmett and Carter are being Buzz and Woody this year, so they got a kick out of seeing mama and uncle as Toy Story people too. 

I’m neck deep in JustServe coordinating. I’m in charge of distribution, so I’m figuring out drivers and warehouse helpers and pickups and deliveries. Since distribution is the last bit, we’ve had to do things as they come, and now is crunch time since we finally have everyone’s orders and are starting to coordinate pickup times. The project is this Saturday and I can’t wait for the day and also for it to be over. And then for all the deliveries to be done. We’re doing things totally different this year and I was only involved in the tail end last year, so all the prayers that it works out because 🤷‍♀️. Also, there’s an 80% chance of rain for Saturday and 4/10 delivery trucks are open topped so we’re praying and we’ll see how that goes. Or what our plan b will be. 

Life is just rolling along. I love seasons of accomplishing long put off tasks, even though it’s a lot of work and not always super fun, it is super satisfying and I love crossing off those items that have been there forever.