Monday, March 7, 2016


Frank's bug seemed to have run its course within about 12 hours. After she was done, she was totally fine and wanting to practice ballet with Delaney, which consisted of fast crab walking at one point, loved it. We had a good night and went to church, all was fine. Until 2:00 in the am (36 hours since last vomit) when Frankie came crying into our room, walked to her bucket that was thankfully still out, and unloaded. Apparently some stomach bugs work like this. I am reminded of a boy in Addie's class just this last week that threw up on Friday, and then again on Monday. I was thinking irresponsible parenting to send a sick child to school, so I guess this is my lesson. I don't ever remember a bug working like this. I hope this is the end! Since I can't sleep, (again) I will blog.

Sunday was a good day. Amanda taught a wonderful lesson called "drops of awesome." It was about how hard we are on ourselves and how we need to give ourselves credit for being awesome when we are. Like, I woke up at 2am (twice now) and cleaned up lots and lots of vomit and never once got annoyed or frustrated. That's pretty awesome. We went around the room and each sister said some way they'd been awesome today or yesterday and she put drops of our awesomeness into a vase. Then she filled the rest of the vase with water from the atonement. Because when we're not as awesome as we'd like to be, the atonement makes up for us. It was basically awesome. 

Chris has been such a help all weekend. I generally cringe when people say how helpful it must be to have teens and toddlers at the same time, but this weekend it payed off. He brought the girls to church so I could go to ward council and took over many of my duties yesterday. 

He went and worked our last cookie booth for me. It was either this, or stay home with a still sick Frankie, so he opted for the non-vomit choice. Which was fine by me because I was able to remain bra-less. (; they sold out!
He also took Addie shopping (with a bonus trip to chicfila) and dropped her off at her friends birthday party. Where my awesome hubs picked her up from after working his 6th day straight so I could remain bra-less all day. 

Not that my day was a walk in the park. This little chickie was sick-sick. Plus I've got two talks and a PTA meeting coming up. And a big messy house. So see, we're all working. (:
Still working backwards, thanks lanes for this shot. This was a lot of my morning on Saturday. Sweet girl would say "oh no. I don't want to throw up again..." aaaaand throw up. So sad. :(
Working backwards some more. Frank's asked that I take this to show to gramps. So there you go, gramps!
Addie had started it by climbing up on the sign. They've been running ahead of me coming home from school to play on it lately. In other news, I do believe our neighborhood is completely done building and even the model home is for sale. Such a difference from when we moved in 7 years ago!
Shopping with this one was easy last week! It isn't always, so I was very grateful. She's going through a little bratty 4-year-old patch and I'd really like my less crazy 3-year-old back. Classic "mommy, take my picture!" Who could say no?
We've been dealing with lots of Girl Scout cookies! We mailed 10 boxes up to auntie Allie, but the rest we kept local. Frankie was able to sell 107 boxes, which is pretty good if I do say so myself. Since Addie's troop was doing booth sales, she only sold 12, with another 45 or so from booth sales. I will be glad when cookie season is officially over.
And just for good measure, a pre-ballet pick up shot because she's cute.

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