Thursday, January 30, 2025

SC wrap up

I talked to Lu about the best way I could help and we decided it was to keep adventuring with the boys, so on Monday we headed to Poinsett State Park. 

We drove to an overlook that was really just a secluded grassy area, so I walked laps while the boys explored, only Carter kept getting nervous that I was walking the perimeter, so he would trail behind me and chat. ❤️

It was cold cold that day, but were a tough crew. They collected rock/diamonds and ran around. 

When that got old we drove down to the lake and played at the playground, then walked the lake. 

It’s super pretty and peaceful. 

I sat on an Adirondack chair and became one with nature. Not really, but being outside, especially near water really is good for my soul. 

The boys played make believe and then started throwing rocks and sand into the lake. We were going to go to McDonald’s after, but they were having so much fun they wanted to keep hanging out. 

And then… disaster. Emmett got too close and also too excited and with his momentum, hopped right into the cold water. He was v v sad. Also sad when we couldn’t go to McDonald’s like we planned, but plan b, McDonald’s the next day. 

Home to this side-eye cutie. 

He gives the best stink eye!
The cheeks and the chins!

Anyways, it snowed that night! I had really hoped to escape the cold, but nooooo. Anyways, I made good on my promise and we hit McDonald’s for our Tuesday adventure. 

Carter cracks me up! He could be a competitive eater, he’s fast and he loves food!

This little sweetie smiled it while we were gone. After McD’s, after 3 tries we found a park. Park #1 was being renovated. Park #2 was Patriot Park again, only the gate was locked. I called the Parks and Rec number and she didn’t know why it hadn’t been opened, but did confirm that if the gate was locked, the playground was off limits. Anyways, I forgot to bring gloves and it was so cold that we only lasted about an hour. 

That night Henry and I sent mom and dad to bed early and we cuddled. 

I used to love the weekends when Matt would keep the baby for a few hours and let me get to sleep early, so I was excited to stay up with Henners. 

Around 11 he started getting hungry but was ok if I rocked him and/or gave him his binky. I kept him till midnight. I probably could have kept him happy longer, but I was driving the next day and Mimi time does not include many breaks, so I was pretty tired. 

We got our last cuddles Wednesday morning and gave our last hugs before I headed out. 

It was a super easy drive. 

So glad I was able to spend time with lexi’s cute family. She’s such a good little mommy and is so fun to hang out with. Adult kid love. ❤️

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Mimi time

We had adventures planned for our mimi time so we had to start with a healthy brekkie. And Emmett’s faces. 🤣

Lexi had made the boys crowns and they spent a long time decorating them. 

Our first adventure was to the Swan Iris Park. 

Carter is afraid of… most things and he didn’t love this bridge that crossed above the busy road. Emmett really wanted a picture though. 🤣

It’s a lovely city park to walk through. 

I love the cypress trees! So beautiful!

The boys loved all the swans. I was keeping a close eye on them because swans can be mean little buggers, but all was well. 

We sent lots of pics to momma as she labored. 

After we walked around this side of the park we switched over and walked all the way around the pond. 

It was .75 miles and the boys basically ran the whole thing and they loved it, it was great!

We ate lunch there and played at their playground after and then went home for dinner. 

That night was also family fun night at the library, so we checked that out too. 

They had music playing and art projects and legos and blocks out. 

They colored dragons for dragon appreciation week and it was nice. 

Emmett made a cool airplane and we had to show Pappy and Damian. 

They are so fun. 

It rained all day Saturday so we had a play at home/movie day.

I had an area RS meeting that afternoon and then we went out to do some shopping. I made a big batch of potato soup to freeze for them for later and we also picked up baby boy balloons to put in their tree in the front yard. a kind older woman gave them each a silver dollar to buy a toy at Dollar tree, but I know how much they love coins so Mimi let them keep their coins and I bought them a little toy. I had tied the balloons to the baby swing but Carter wanted to see them and whomp whomp. I looked for a ladder but had no luck, so there they stayed till Damian helped me fish them down. 

We went to church on Sunday (love their ward!) and then went to check out General Sumter’s Park, but it was kinda sad and creepy looking, so we plan B’d it. 

We found a really cool park called Patriot Park with sports fields, playgrounds, and a big pond. 

While we were there, this guy got released. His disgruntled faces are the best!

So excited to meet Henry!

We got home just before them and it was such a happy reunion. Newborn babies are the absolute best and it was a really beautiful circle of life time. There were so many people sending their love from heaven with baby Henry, holding him just feels extra special. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Back to Sumter

Delaney had been talking about cutting her hair for a few months, so when Alli came down she decided to go for it. 

She decided she wanted to go short short…

And it looks so cute!

Adi decided on bangs again, but no self cut mullet this time around. Both girls were super happy with their new ‘do’s. 

Sarah G went out of town for Christmas and got discombobulated and we got 2 cards. This is so me, I got a good chuckle out of it. 


On the 15th I drove down to Sumter to help bring baby Henry into the world. The boys learned the fine art of chocolate chips and waffles from Aunt D. 

Lu and I took them to the library and tried to wear them out a little on her last day with just 2 babies. 

Before I arrived poor Carter fell from a shopping cart and broke and cut his glasses and had to get stitches, so he didn’t have glasses for the first few days. We sent Lu and Damian out on a date and had a lovely night at home. 

They got up early Friday the 17th and drove the hour to Columbia to have that baby! So thankful everything went well and baby brother was born that evening.