Friday, April 23, 2021


We’ve been home for almost a month. It took awhile to get back used to EST, but we’re back to normal’ish now. Let’s go down the line. 

Matt started a new assignment for his main job. He has still been working to close out his old assignment and then learning a whole new job, so that has been stressful and time consuming. We are grateful he has this new assignment, because there were a few weeks there that we knew his contract was ending and just prayed they would still need him. He’s also been slammed at his Navy gig. He picks up any extra days he can (except Sundays, which has been nice) and will usually leave at 5am and return home at 8 or 9. It’s bananas. He celebrated #52 last week and we got to celebrate him 3 days in a row since he stayed with Dan in DC one night (the were both doing their reserve duty, but Dan gets a hotel), then he got home super late the next night, but we had cake anyway, then his actual birthday dinner the third night. He’s started teaching Delaney’s Zoom Primary once a month and does Zoom activities for the boys every other week. I swiped this from Fb because there’s Delaney and Matt in the bottom left box. 

Alli had to start back to the Apple store in Annapolis on Monday. We spent a day in Annapolis where we found that renting post Covid is basically a nightmare. People are taking real rental listings, changing the info and re-posting, I guess in the hopes of getting peoples private information? I’m not actually sure the point of these scams, but it’s made for a stressful time. My stomach was in knots for a few days as it felt kind of hopeless. We’ve been able to counsel together and come up with a few options. For now she’s driving everyday to Annapolis, which means we get Tenkor duty for 12 hours a day. Which we are happy to do to help Alli even though I’m still not a dog person. We sent Alli pictures of T being obedient as we run through training drills. And at the park where we stayed for 3 hours and my hands hurt from holding tight to her leash, even though I only needed to hold tight to her 3 or 4 times when she lunged at various kids, mostly kids in our group. 

The Finlayson crew is changing all the diapers and cleaning up all the messes. Emmett talks all the time now and will repeat whatever they ask him to. My favorites are Kiki (Frankie), meow (he’s got great tone), and kek (kick). Carter is still a giant baby, weighing in at 15+ lbs at 9 weeks. He loves Em and smiles all the time. He’s kind of particular and likes to be held, but he’s just the sweetest so they don’t mind. Cade likes his job and is a good leader for his coworkers. Lexi has been able to pick up a few shifts at the daycare where she used to work. She’s able to be in Emmett’s room there and has a full visual on Carter, and is also able to feed him when he needs. She said it’s like playgroup everyday for Em and he loves it. I texted her one morning that I missed the boys  and to send pictures, and these pics are what I got. Babies are wonderful and messy. 

Bubba is busy busy selling, packing, and tying up all the loose ends that come with living somewhere for 13 years. He starts his real grown up life on Monday because he’s in the Army now! He has worked hard to overcome some obstacles and had to wait through most of a pandemic, and he’s so ready to go. Even though he scored at the top of the charts, his options for career choice were a bit limited, so he’ll be going in as a Cavalry Scout. I don’t know fully what that entails, I don’t really want to know fully what that entails, because I already don’t like it. But I gave my advice and he made his choice and I love him and will be cheering him on all the way. I’m emotional and nervous, but I’m proud of him and his desire to serve. I’m sad because life will forever be changed and we may not live near each other for a long time. Lexi and I are so close, but boys are different and I just wish he could live just down the street and also be able to start his life. His last day at Crabknockers was this weekend and he only talked to Mike once today, so that’s impressive. 

Addie is eagerly counting down as her birthday is next. None of us can believe she’ll be a teenager in just 2 months. She tries hard to be good, writes stories constantly, and goes to the library several times a week. She’s always reading more than one book at a time. She’s so good at taking charge, sometimes a little too good and we jokingly remind her that she’s off duty. I am clinging to these last few days of childhood. Thankfully, she’s a pretty young 12-year-old. I hope it stays that way for a long time. 

Frankie and I accidentally took a several weeks hiatus from tutoring, but we’re back in the saddle again now. Where Addie is a bit of a young 12-year-old, Frankie would like to be a more mature 11-year-old. She still plays with dolls and loves story time, but oh how she wishes she had a phone and could wear makeup. In fact, both she and Delaney are up in arms that Addie will be able to wear light make up after her birthday. Frankie works hard at school, even though she’s learned the joy of listening to music while working, which slows her down a little. She is sweet and sometimes sassy, but wants to do good and tries hard every day. 

Delaney is so hilarious and silly. She thinks hard, feels hard, and plays hard. She loves to sleep in and play games and talks all the time. She’s in 4th grade science, SS, and ELA, but most decidedly 3rd grade math and she doesn’t see at all how math and science go together. She hates brushing her hair but doesn’t want a haircut. She’s decided she doesn’t like piano, so that’s fun. She is messy and busy but loves life with such an infectious zeal, it’s easy to overlook her kookiness. She is a sweet and cuddly baby of the family and I love the precious bond we have. 

I am moving forward. Life is good and hard and emotional but mostly wonderful. This extra time with the girls is amazing and also challenging. Having Alli here has been so nice and also in a lot of ways hard. I both love my calling and also work at not doubting every little thing I do all the time. I am happy to help and serve in my family and other responsibilities, and also feel the heavy weight of anxiety for peoples happiness and good choices. I love working with people and being with friends and also have had a few days where I really questioned my ability to even interact with people anymore. Sometimes people are hard, but mostly good, just like life. I am still slowly working my way through the Book of Mormon and am really loving this season of careful searching of the scriptures. I am learning so much all the time. I am in a season of tender growth and I feel fragile and strong and all of the things. This is just a time of so many feelings and emotions. Also, all the adults up in here are double shotted, except Alli, and she’ll get her second next week. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the updates! I can't believe Chris is in the Army!!
Those baby boys are too cute!!