Wednesday, November 9, 2011

big talker

frankie's vocabulary has exploded the past few weeks! she jibber jabbers constantly and now i can always pick out a few words in the mumbo jumbo. and she loves talking on the phone! i usually let her call daddy and put it on speaker phone so i can hear whats going on. the other day she was pacing around, talking with her hands, just going on and on to her daddy. and she did not want to hang up! there were some tears when i finally took the phone.

yes, she does add an 's' at the end of most words 
(i didn't notice her "addie" until i watched! whoops!)
 and yes, i still maintain that i do fix addie's hair when we leave the house.

and, despite what it looks like on this video, i do give addie attention too. poor girl was begging for it!

1 comment:

The Ainas said...