Thursday, August 11, 2011


busy for a proper blog post today.

maybe i'm nesting already, but i'm in a cleaning frenzy. there is not an inch of the main floor of our house that has not been scoured, vacuumed, dusted, or otherwise cleaned. 
(except the windows, it's much too hot to be washing windows outside. and is it really prudent to wash the inside of the window and not the outside. i don't think so.)

now if things could just stay this way for more than 5 minutes, i would be oh so happy. unfortunately, i have two little helpers that always want to be involved in every cleaning venture. and how come it's not okay for them to have their own clean rag? how come they just know they need the one your using? i wish i had two more willing big helpers. they've been pretty helpful, other than one snafu today. 

this weekend i hope to finish the top floor and next week we're tackling the basement!

1 comment:

The Ainas said...

Well... I can take those 2 cute little helpers sometime. Abby would love playmates at the house or at a park. Then you could clean all by yourself! :) And then... when I catch that bug from you... you can take Abby! ;)