Saturday, July 17, 2021

Onslow Beach - day 6

Another beautiful sunrise. For our last morning at the beach I wore my suit down to the sunrise. Putting on a damp swimsuit at 6am is chilly. 

The recruits were PT’ing hard all morning but we stayed out of their way and it was fun to see them doing their drills. 

Onslow beach runs north/south instead of east/west and my mind was a little blown when Matt told me that. That’s why the sun rose this way, instead of fully over the water. 

Delaney made me promise to get her up. 

Our smaller group this morning. 

These precious beach babes. 

We had such a fun week together. 

Matt came down at 6:30 and we all, minus Frankie, swam till 8. It was my favorite morning, why didn’t we swim every morning? It was warm enough, the sun wasn’t blazing in our eyes, and the waves were perfect. Next time. 

We walked back to our cabin as Laura and David were coming out to play with us. We had planned to play till 10 and leave by 8, but I knew Matt wanted to leave earlier so we went with that plan. 

We packed and cleaned and gave hugs and said goodbyes. It was such a good week with our wonderful friends! I’m so glad we finally made it happen again. We left right at 10:00, perfectly on schedule. 

And one more funny story. While we were playing games one night. Jospeh and Shauna were chatting and Shauna said something about how her little toe just floats, it never touches the ground. A minute later Michelle was like “the 4 toed footprint in the sand! We found her!” Then she and josh explained that they were walking on the beach and noticed a footprint with only 4 toes so they followed it for a bit and talked about who it could be. And she was sleeping in their cabin! We all laughed and laughed, it was so silly and funny! The next day Shauna sent the photographic proof. 4 toes! 😂

We drove backcountry roads, made subs in the sweltering 95° Georgia humidity and even stopped for a welcome to SC sign. 

We got to our hotel in Columbus, Georgia around 7 and Jeanne met us there by 8. She’s stayed with us both nights. The couch pulled out into a bed, so Adi and Frankie shared that, Jeanne and Laney shared one bed and Matt and I were in the third. We ate cabbage salad and white chicken chili and called it an early night. The ac wasn’t working great and I was grateful I was right next to it!

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