Friday, May 22, 2020

Day #67 and #68

Readers Digest day is always a happy one. Earlier in the week Addie had plotted out her days. There was RD day, and then the day the new Hunger Games book came out. We ordered it from our small local bookstore and it’s still not here and it’s very distressing to Addie, who has checked the mail twice a day all week. 

Christian was home one morning and knocked two things off his to do list. One was putting up Delaney’s reading nook canopy. I swear she’s a cute girl, just going through an awkward picture making face phase. 

See? Frankie had a socially distant blading session with Morgan, so these 2 camo girls at their school nachos together.

Christian got my Mother’s Day gift mostly all set up for me. I haven’t used it to run yet because my running apps were purchased with Matt’s iTunes and like I know how to sync those 2 on an iwatch. Or whatever this is called. It was a very sweet gift and the little girls are #sojelly. 

Yesterday was National Strawberries and Cream day, and everyone, especially Delaney complemented me on my amazing homemade whipped cream making. 

Addies art project for the week - a color wheel. She made it a food color wheel because obviously. 

Today we did all the things. I made homemade ramen bowls that were pretty good, but no ones fav. About halfway through I got real done with washing, chopping, stirring, cooking; washing, cleaning, sweeping, and wiping. It’s never ending and I’m over it right about now. I’ll get over being over it, it just feels good to vent. 

Frankie took about 6 pictures of the ramen because she liked the way it looked. 

We skipped our family movie night to hang out at the stream, and even though I received 3 paper airplane messages begging to start Harry Potter tonight, I stuck to my guns. 

The to do lists are slowly being crossed off. But even as items are being crossed off, more is being added, soooo what’s a girl to do. It’s Memorial Day weekend, and will quite possibly be the lamest one ever. The RS was going to be in charge of the Memorial Day picnic this year and it was going to be epic. Add that to the corona casualties. 

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