Monday, May 11, 2020

Day #55 and #56 - and a Happy Mother’s Day to you

Yesterday the girls made rainbow chip and rainbow sprinkle cookies that turned out surprisingly well. Matt and I puzzled for awhile. I hiit’ed a bit. 

Addie is a chef, and a photographer. 

Addie did some reading in the basement. And don’t mind the bookcase thag somehow got wildebeested. 

In the afternoon Matt and I worked on organizing the shed. I feel like if the shed was organized, and I’m not sure why it’s not, that Matt would have a place for all his tools and he’d be able to find everything easily and projects would go that much more smoothly. I love organizing in there and Matt hates it so much. We are still working on the best way to work together, 14 years down, 50 to go? We actually had a good work sesh, got rid of a lot, sold a little, and the shed looks SO good. Matt found the wood he needs to build a kayak shelf outside the shed which will leave the middle floor of the shed wide open and my dream of his tools being organized that much closer to happening. This time of having no scheduled activities is a gift and I’m stoked to finally be using it for A project. Hoping for more projects to come. Papa came over to supervise and pick up cookies. 

Addie  was very concerned about making sure papa got some. And she gave them an adorable name too. 

Mother’s Day! Today was my 5th Mother’s Day as Relief Society President. My 5th time overseeing the sacred time of having all the women gather. Sometimes it’s felt like a battle to ensure we get that time. Some women long for a break from their primary and yw duties, and some don’t, but I have felt our special combined meetings important. This year was, of course, very different. But we were still able to gather as women, if only virtually. The plan evolved and changed as we received continued revelation from ward council, and on Wednesday evening we got the final go ahead to have a separate relief society lesson for this week. That didn’t leave much planning time, but it was also only 25 minutes. 

Chelsea had an idea to focus our lesson around rainbows, the unique beauty, ability for all to see, even separately, and the divine promise of them. We divided up colors. I had orange and talked about the importance of protecting our head/thoughts always, but I’ve especially found it important right now. I loved this Dale Carnegie quote. 

I also talked about the color blue. About sadness, water, and covenants. There is so much power in our covenants, and every time I listen to our prophets and leaders, I hear them telling us to learn how to claim the power and blessings of the ordinances we’ve made. Then I ended by talked about latter day women. About Esther and how she was prepared for “a time such as this,” and how we have been too. How Esther was willing to be brave and stand up for what is right, but she also asked for help, for the people to fast and pray with her, just like we need to sometimes. And how we can draw strength from each other in our relief Society. I loved studying and preparing, I felt the spirit so strongly and how much Heavenly Father loves these women I get to serve with. I’m so grateful He loves all of us, even when we don’t deserve it. 

I woke up early and kept studying. I got my breakfast in bed tray around 9. Addie as very excited to make me cheesy bagels. Matt poached some eggs, and Frankie assisted. D slept in, as she does. 

2/5 of my favorites. 

Emmett sent me a happy first grandmothers day card and the cutest magnet. Being a mom and now a mimi is the greatest gift of my life. I’m thankful every day, even the hard ones. 

I tease that he has a giant head (it is pretty big) and Lexi said she just knew we’d love having his blockhead on a magnet. And we do!

The Ainas popped over to say hello as they went on a walk. The girls chased each other around the driveway. Sisters tag sisters, and everyone runs. It’s silly and cute and sad, all at once. 

And this happened! We finished the Harry Potter puzzle. And I win the very best mom award because bratty little Laney saw that we were almost done and waltzed over and grabbed the last 2 pieces. She put them in and proclaimed us done. And I let her. #bestmom And I guess dad too, but it’s not his day. 
It was also grandma Rays birthday. She would have been 78. We miss her and talk about her often with the girls. We wish they had the opportunity to know her in this life, but we’re grateful that she watches over us. 

I talked to my mom and Amy. I went to get something out of a cabinet as we chatted, and decided to organize and purge it. It’s now 2am and I’m done with the first round. Why do I have 4 vases and a pressure cooker I’ve never used? Not anymore. 

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