Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Day #57 and #58

The girls got a letter from papa. They were very orderly as they got together to open it. 

Probably one of the best displays of working together I saw all day. Getting mail is always fun. 

We started a super fun Texas puzzle yesterday, and it was so much fun that that’s basically what I did all day today. I barely looked at my phone, stayed in pajamas all day, and embarrassingly didn’t even brush my teeth till tonight. I just never came back upstairs to get ready for the day, so no oral hygiene for me. Also, I thought my head was in this picture, but I guess not. 😂

The girls loved this puzzle too. There were lots of pictures and words which made it fun and easy’ish to put together and they helped a ton. We had a v enjoyable day puzzling.

Yesterday we finished the 39 Clues book series we’ve been working on since Addie’s birthday trip to Hershey Park almost a year ago. It was cute that Frankie remembered that’s when we’d started it. We talked about what to listen to next, and after putting a Flavia De Luce book on hold, we decided we’d go for the free Harry Potter audio books again. We listened to them 3 summers ago and it’s just time. Addie and Frankie were lukewarm to the idea, but as soon as we started, they were all like, oh yeah, this is good. JK you genius, you. 

Tonight we had a RS Zoom meeting where Chelsea talked about love languages. If I remember correctly, I’m like 20% of each, which is 100% not surprising. I’m gonna retake the test and see what I get. 

Also, Jen Hatmaker is doing an Enneagram series, so I spent some time retaking a few different tests and I’m def a 2 with a 3 or 6 or 9 coming in hot. Pretty sure Jesus was a 2, so that seems on brand. 😂😉 I’m excited to learn more about each number. I love learning about people’s personalities and what makes them tick. 

Frankie and I made a quadruple batch of apple bread today and we didn’t even put a dent in our apples. Next up is apple juice and apple butter. Then I’ll start freezing them. So very many red delicious apples. 

Recipe recap:
Orange curd - tasty. I’ve been adding it to my homemade yogurt and my compliments to the chef
Yogurt - see above
Strawberry jam - none of the second batch set either. I’m blaming the pectin and we’ll just deal with runny jam
Apple cider - 😩🤢😬
Apple bread - 5 stars 

Also, our 3 families  we’ve been delivering chocolate milk to all declined our last delivery offer, so everyone but Delaney and I have been hitting the CM hard. Today Matt drank 3 and Frankie and Addie drank 2. They are doing this of their own free will and accord, so I’m gonna let it ride. Pretty sure we could freeze that too, though our freezer is getting full with all I’ve been cooking and baking. First world problems. 

In corona news - over 20 million people have lost their jobs. That’s so awful and I can’t even really process that number. My feelings today, and I know that  that they may change at any moment, are that we are safe, healthy, and happy at home, and we will continue so others can go out. We don’t have teenagers missing friends and needing space from parents, just a fairly safe 22 year old that works a lot, and 3 easy going and obedient girlsies. I am perfectly capable to continue home schooling throughout next year so that children whose parents need to work or are less fortunate than us can go to school. Matt can work from home so that others that cannot work from home can go to their actual jobs. Plus, he loves working from home, but that’s another story. We’re still taking things one day at a time, but we’ve been doing really well and coming to terms with life as it is right now. 

Something cool. My presidency had the idea to ask if anyone had any prayer requests so we could specifically be praying for each other. It took a few days, but then we had our first anonymous request. Then 2 more sisters emailed asking our presidency to pray for people they love. Then a few more posted on fb. And today we got 2 more. I wrote out a list so I can remember and I am so humbled and honored to pray in unity with my sisters and ward family. People are being vulnerable and trusting and it’s just beautiful. Good things coming out of a tough situation.

And finally, John K did it again. An SGN wedding with all of our Office favs. I have fully turned into my mom and cry at everything now and I laughed/cried as we watched. The girls always look at me to see if I’m crying and I always am now. Little do they know, they’ll be here in a few (20-30) years too. 

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