Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day #48 and #49

Friday was a tough sleeping night. Being a mom of bigs is so fun and then sometimes so hard and brings so much anxiety. I ended up going back to sleep after being up for 4 hours and then slept in till an embarrassing hour. Sleep issues are dumb. 

When I finally did get up, Matt and I headed out for a date. We went to a few nurseries to look at trees and plants for our yard. We had planned to support a local restaurant and eat a romantic meal in the silver bullet, but Forrest Hall Farm had kettle corn and oh kettle corn, I’m a sucker for you. I had to pick up a book from Staples for tutoring and pick up a few groceries. It was just nice to get dressed and go somewhere with my sweetie. We should probably do it again before another 47 days pass us by. 

We did get a text from D that addie and Frankie were fighting and she wasn’t sure what to do, but everyone survived, so 🤷‍♀️.

We got our hammock put together and phase 1 of our backyard project received rave reviews. 

Dad came over as they were putting it together and got these fun pictures. 

Frankie is trying to make socks and sandals a thing. They’re not a thing. 

We got to FaceTime this heartbreaker. He’s representing the 301 in his Maryland crab shirt. 

And just to thoroughly document that I actually got dressed, put on makeup and earrings and jeans, not with an actual zipper cause I got these awesome legging/jeans on amazon and they don’t have a zipper, but still jeans. Not sure when this will happen again, but it was fun. Also, my Reba shirt from the concert Matt, Mindy, and I went to makes me happy. 

The girls delivered papa some dinner while I went on a bike ride. I rode 10 miles in 50 minutes, and on Matt’s bike so my bum is sore. I love the shadows in this cool pic!

And I hear the girls did much better at social distancing this visit. 

Also, I think maybe it’s time for a new pair of running shoes?

Scenes from quarantine. After shower scripture journal time. 

I like scripture reading pics. I like scripture reading together. 

It’s a time where we drop what we’re doing and gather to read and learn and feel the spirit.  

Don’t mind my creepy face, but I love that Chris comes too. Some of my favorite moments of the day. 

Today was a good day. Matt and I got dinner going in the crockpot early (always one of my fav accomplishments) and had our 2 Zoom church meetings. After, we had our family sacrament meeting, and baby bug had a tough time. She didn’t want to share a testimony. We talked about it (again and again) and gave ideas and reassured, and there just wasn’t any bringing her around. This is the girl that almost didn’t get baptized at her baptism and I don’t exactly know what her deal is. After sacrament meeting she went straight to her room and cried. I went up and laid with her and she cried and cried. And she wouldn’t tell me what the problem was. It took an hour and a half for her to finally tell me what was bothering her, and it was an 8-year-old issue. She was even fasting and wouldn’t eat - which I wasn’t worried about, but shows that she’s got some serious stubborn staying power. I finally checked my email and Johnna had sent her primary lesson which i read to her and then showed her the video included. Then i showed her the sweet Love at Home cup video Debby shared with me, and she started to thaw. i remembered that I had these Easter bunny lollipops in my closet and grabbed one to fully thaw her. That was when she shared the troubles of her heart. Oh this sweet baby girl. 

I had Zoom meeting #2 and it was an awesome ward council. Everyone participated and the spirit was strong and working as we talked through solutions to challenges in our ward. It was really good. Then Zoom meeting #3 as Matt and I taught a temple prep class for Shelby and Ken. It was fun to work with Matt to counsel together, write up a lesson plan, and teach with him. 

Dinner was delish, except that my beans weren’t all the way done. So then we had to throw them in the instant pot, but we all enjoyed some homemade bread until our beans were done, and then mixed up some frozen lavender lemonade for National Lemonade Day. It was so good!

Backyard hammock - $90. Happy sister moments - priceless. 

Zoom meeting #4 with the Rays as we caught up and compared how open our states are. Texas - a lot, Washington, Virginia, and Maryland - not so much. 

And finally, Zoom meeting #5 with a presidency meeting. I meant for it to be a quick debrief of the earlier meetings from the day, but we ended up having to log back on twice. We got a lot decided, and then Chelsea was on fire doing her tasks, so that motivated me and I sent off half a dozen emails too. Feels good to have decisions made and get some work done.  It was a good day. 

Cade has been home for a few weeks and doesn’t love sitting still. He made this cool F for their house. So creative and fun!

Ending this weekend with my cup full, and ready for our toughest day of the week tomorrow. 

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