Friday, May 15, 2020

Day #60 and #61

Yesterday we went to a social distance birthday party. The kids each set up their blankets and tried real hard to stay on them. 

The moms were model examples and kept at least 6 feet apart. 

Chelsea brought the kids Chick-fil-A and we all brought fun gifts that they set down by Lylah and walked away quickly. We tried to take a few pictures. Jump shot. 

Then the moms were like, I bet we could kill that. AND WE DID. First and only try. I have never been more proud of a jump shot. And we didn’t even hurt ourselves. 

17 kids between us. 

This was how the kids awkwardly set themselves up for their pictures, so we had to. 

It happened that Matt had to go in while Frankie and I were partying, and the girls love being alone because they can watch whatever they want. I did set the stipulation that Addie needed to clean her room. From what I can deduce from the texts they sent Matt, it looks like Addie tried to bribe Delaney and then tried to assure Matt that it was really almost done, just needed to handle the circled pile in the middle of the room. 

The principal shared Frankie’s Soaring photo on Twitter. She’s Twitter famous. . 

I saw this comment on a Facebook memory and it’s always been one of my favorite Delaney quotes - “that’s when you were me, but now I’m me!” 

We wrote some more sidewalk chalk quotes. 

“Joy in the Journey.”

“Always look on the bright side of life.”

I ordered an at home sacrament tray. It’s so pretty and will be a momento from this weird time that we had the sacrament in our homes for months. 

I also ordered a personalized backyard tower set from Board and Brush. 

We’re not supporting many local restaurants because we’re mostly eating at home, but we are trying to support small and local where we can. 

Some scenes from today’s home school sesh. 

We’re practicing piano everyday. Our piano skills are getting pretty sweet. 

Isn’t that box cute? The girls built houses and structures all day. 

Governor Hogan shared this. I love it. Safer at Home. 

And addies Friday art project today. 

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