Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day #52

We got to FaceTime with Emmett and his cute parents today. He’s such a happy and fun boy and he’s constantly on the go. He goes from toy to parent to walker to table. He brings us so much joy. 

He’s such a silly boy with his too big pants. 

My Dad took this shot of our porch with our pretty flowers. I haven’t bothered with them the last few years because we were gone so much of the summer, but now we’re home and these make me happy. Hopefully they’ll survive!

Lu also sent a video. Emmett has learned that when he stands up on his own, he gets applause, so now every time he stands up he claps for himself and it’s just the cutest thing. 

We made use of some of our Apple surplus by making Apple cider in the slow cooker. We put cloves in an orange and it looked so pretty and festive, even though it’s the wrong season. It was chilly today, so it works. 

We found the mashing of the apples difficult, so we used the immersion blender. Oopsie. The cider was a fail. But that’s how we learn. 🤷‍♀️

Frankie had a crash on the hoverboard and banged her knees and feet pretty well. Sadly, I was in a meeting when this drama happened, so Matt handled it. Shucks. 

It rained several times today. I was able to grab a run right after the last shower and everything was so clean and sparkly and smelled so good. I’ll never get over this beautiful land. 

In other news:

School is officially cancelled for the rest of the year. I am relieved it’s finalized. We were pretty sure we weren’t sending the girls back either way, but now there’s no fight. 

The beaches and parks open back up tomorrow. 

I forgot it was May. Normal May rivals December for busyness, but not now. It’s teacher appreciation week, which as the committee chair for the middle school means I would have been super busy this week, but not now. We would have had a temple trip last weekend, a recital next week, countless field trips, celebrations, concerts, and general end of year festivities. But not now.

I’m actually doing really well right now. I’m enjoying the time together as we all settle into life. It’s difficult though, because on one hand, it’s good, and on the other I am holding close all the hard - the loneliness, sickness, death, lost jobs, abuse. It makes me want to feel guilty for doing well, but I’m not falling for it. I can feel for all the bad, and still treasure all the good. It’s nuanced and tricky, but it’s doable. 

I made orange curd, salads, a failed attempt at Apple cider, and yoghurt in my instant pot. Straight cheffing. (except the cider)

I’ve got my puzzlers eye focused and am making progress in this HP monstrosity. If only these kids stopped needing me, I could get a lot more done. 

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