Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day #51

Happy Cinco de Mayo! We celebrated with tacos and real Mexican Coke for a social distancing lunch with dad. And these pictures always look like he’s being punished. “No you can’t come in the house, you’re still in trouble!” 😂

We had tacos, but these nuts had hoagies in honor of National Hoagie Day. 

Joni sent a text and said our favorite strawberry farm had tons of ripe berries. It was threatening to rain all afternoon, but we decided to go on a berry adventure anyway. *she never stops talking. 

I call this one “papa’s a sucker.” 😂

Addie and I buddied up and had a great time picking together. 

This was at a new location this year and it was pretty sparse. Maybe it’s because of covid, idk. 

There was hardly anyone there, and it was so fun because there were so many big, ripe berries. 

We had to grab the Southern Maryland Strong sticker before we left. 

Dad took some pictures too. This was from the 5 minutes Frankie actually picked. She’s a freebird, that girl. 

Addie and I had a good talk about how difficult farm labor is and who exactly picks all of the produce we eat. 

Dad said he and Delaney talked about chupacabras and how much she likes paranormal stuff. 

The life of a strawberry. 

So proud of herself. 

Not much to look at in their store. Which is probably for the best since only 3 people are allowed in at a time. 

Yay for spontaneous strawberry picking!

We got home and still had school and piano to do, but that’s ok because we’ve got nothing else going on. During tutoring, Frankie read a story about the Panama Canal, which was actually pretty interesting, and much more grade level than the one she read yesterday about Carla, who was pregnant, but worried about bankruptcy because her husband was dependent on alcohol. Sometimes finding words that fit the lessons we’re on (schwa’s at the moment) is more difficult than others. 

Anywho, we looked at a map and then talked about how that’s where auntie Amy was born, so then we decided to FaceTime papa and read it to him. He told her some fun stories and we requested some pictures. That was so fun that she also called Nani and talked to her about living in Panama. It was nice for Frankie to showcase her reading progress and have something just for her to share. And don’t mind the messy room and gross carpet. 🤷‍♀️

We miss this precious boy!!! His parentals picked up Mexican food and he and Lu played in the car while Cade ran in. He just got his second haircut and I love his fade so much!

After 11 years, I finally have my shelves! I’ve wanted a shelf for the family room wall forever, but then I wanted something specific can couldn’t find it. Then I changed my mind and have been looking for years. I discovered that you can find just about anything on Etsy, so a few months ago I ordered it, and it finally arrived. Matt was a teeny smidge annoyed because he had told me he could make it, and I’m sure he could, but he also has a mile long honey-do list that grows with stupid things like car batteries and basement grinder pumps. Currently we’re dealing with a smell in the basement that he thinks are dead frogs in the sump pump. The home ownership fun never ends. I can’t wait to decorate my pretty shelf!
Corona news continues to be confusing, contradictory, and divisive. I just heard a report that the presidency put out, or is going to put out, or doesn’t want to put out, that we should expect around 3000 deaths per day. Per. Day. And ready or not, states are opening back up. I don’t know what to make of any of it. And I honestly don’t think anyone else does either. 

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