Sunday, May 17, 2020

Day #62

It was a gloriously relaxing day. No schoolwork and Frankie and I even took a tutoring break. 

Matt took addie to Solomon’s for a date and to go birthday shopping for her new bike. It’s ordered and will be here by the end of the month. Yay for everyone being biked and ready. 

We spent a lot of time in the backyard. It’s amazing what just a few small tweaks will do. Delaney cut a lemon herself and picked some mint from the garden. 

My dad came over and visited for awhile too. It’s been perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold. Amazing in the shade and with a breeze. This is such a lovely time of year. I smell the flowers as I run and the world is so pleasant. 

This evening we watched movie #5 on our kids movie challenge. So far we’ve watched Wonder, The Wizard of Oz, Miracle, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and tonight Swiss Family Robinson. The girls and unicorns really liked it. 

I went for a run around 11. I could tell about 20 minutes in that I was burning. I pulled my sleeves up so I could at least avoid a major farmers tan on my arms. I fried my arms, which is so annoying and frustrating. Sunblock is the worst part of summer. Ok, maybe not the worst, but top 10, along with bugs and days that are a million degrees hot with 800% humidity. Wait, are there only 3 bad things about summer? 

I went to Harris Teeter after Matt made a lovely pizza dinner. So thankful for our pizza nights with the Darrow’s because Matt is trying different techniques and having fun with his pizzas. We are all benefiting and we are grateful. I had a $20/$100 HT coupon so I went late and it was pretty empty. Except one chic that had my exact route and I saw her in every aisle and then wouldn’t you know she was right in front of me at the only open cashier. It’s probably that I haven’t been shopping much lately, but everyone I saw her I was like “heeeey grocery buddy.” Everyone had a mask and everyone kept a respectable distance. 

My dad shared this one and I thought it was sweet. How great that we have time to teach the girls about plants, cooking, cleaning, and old movies. We are so very blessed. 


*the dead frog smell is gone. I don’t think I ever reported back, but one day the basement smell made me want to vomit, and the next it was clear. It’s a little gross, but what’s a family to do. 
*delaney’s weird bumps/rash has spread on her abdomen, face, fingers, and arms. I consulted my personal nurses today and one said it looks like poison oak that spread from fluid from the bumps, and the other said possibly molluscum contagiosum. We’ll probably make an appt for Monday. 😩

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