Monday, July 1, 2019

Teeth and family visits

On Wednesday we went to the orthodontist for miss shark tooth. We saw Bubba’s picture so had to snap a pic. 

Frankie was nervous despite numerous reassurances that they weren’t going to do anything. She still has lots of baby teeth, so they recommended a spacer for now. 

We went shopping and trained my new compassionate service leader, and got home just in time to welcome our next guests - Isabel and Chantell! Life doesn’t stand still though, so that evening Addie and Frankie went to A Days, Matt and I to the WP building for our stake temple recommend interview with our new stake presidency, and D, C, and Iz went to the pool. 

The next morning Izzy painted the girls faces. She’s so talented!

We had adley over too and the girls played on the iPad. 

More face painting fun. 

One of our summer goals was for the girls to learn to cook a few things, and d wanted to make mashed potatoes with our fresh from the garden crop. 

She loves mashed potatoes, and most of the time she loves helping in the kitchen, so double score for her.  

Using all her muscles to mash!

D loved her unicorn and told me all about the v specific instructions she’d given Izzy about colors and placement. 

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