Monday, July 1, 2019

Sunday, an anniversary, and a beach day

One of the men in our ward is dating a woman with a daughter Delaney’s age, and with a little prodding, D made friends with her at the River Concert on Friday. I exchanged numbers with her mom and she sent me this from after church. I hope being a friend to everyone is being instilled deeply in these girls. It’s so important. 

Later that day I sniped a quick shot of that same v dramatic 7-yo crying because she had to finish dinner before eating an ice cream. These girls and eating. 😩

On Monday we got to go help in the garden at school. We brought hone fresh potatoes, cucumbers, squash, onions, and green beans, and helped plant some pumpkin seeds. Ms. Henry is so wonderful!

Big girl playing on the computer. 

Delaney was being so loving with her baby. She’s practicing to be an auntie THIS month! 😳😳😳

Christians girlfriend, Meghan, lives in Georgia and he brought home some delicious Georgia peaches. In season fruit is so much better than out of season! 

Monday was also our 13th anniversary. Matt brought hone these beautiful roses and we’re planning a date night soon. 

Tuesday was a playgroup beach day. Thankfully we all love the beach so much that it makes the excessive planning and packing worthwhile. 

We got there just as the Aina’s did, and I loved these girls helping hearts and ingenuity. 

Brenda was in town, so I asked her to come along. She’s the best. She takes time away from adult visiting to chat with the girls and they love her so. I am SO grateful for adults that show interest in and love my kids. 

We got most of the beachgoers for the pictures. The crazy kids. 

And even crazier. 

And then the moms. It was so good to catch up and enjoy the closest thing we have to a beach for hours and hours. 

We got home and hit the pool for an hour to rinse off and shower, it’s our routine. 

I usually have a headache coming home from the beach, but I packed our extra water jug and was super careful to drink, drink, drink, and I felt fine! Which was good because Leisa and i had an appt that evening to meet a new sister. I always love visiting with a partner, everything flows more smoothly, and it went really well. Another lovely summer day. 

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