Tuesday, July 2, 2019

#33 - Druid Hill Park

It was so hot (did you hear that record breaking?) that I would have been ok just driving by the park, but Matt wanted to stop. 

I’m glad we did. We sat under the shade of a tree and ate and enjoyed the breeze. Also, do you like our extra family member? She keeps making surprise  appearances. 

This is what the park is supposed to look like:

This is what we found:

They’ve drained the lake and are doing some major construction over there. So it’s not as pretty as it used to be. 

But across the street it was quite lovely and I’m sure a nice reprieve from the city. There used to be several natural springs all around the park, and they built these fountains for people to enjoy. They also built the Baltimore Zoo so on a spring so they could use it for some of their exhibits. 

We hiked the trail through the woods and it’s always amazing home much more bearable life is in the shade. 

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