Friday, July 5, 2019

4th of July 2019

It has been beastly hot and humid the last few days. On Wednesday we went to the free movie and then ran a million and one errands. It took all day and it was so hot and sweaty. 

We had plans to go to dc on the 4th, but with Trumps parade, we decided to stay local. We’ve been adventuring lots, and Matt had some navy work to do, so we decided to stay home during the day. 

I had taken part in a summer freezer meal exchange, but then was so busy adventuring that I ended up not being ready with my meals. Since we were going to be home all day I decided to go ahead and get on it. I had gotten several bags of basil from neighbors and made up 8 batches of homemade pesto with it. Since I don’t have a food processor, it wasn’t the easiest thing. I also had several pints of heavy whipping cream that were on the. We’ve of going bad, so I made 8 batches of homemade Alfredo sauce. Then a million pounds of chicken, and mixed it together until my arms ached. Freezer meal days are tough, but worth it. 

At 5 we headed over to Solomon’s to find a fireworks watching spot. First, we walked the boardwalk. 

Then, when our friends arrived we staked our annice spot of grace and the kids got busy playing. We ate at home, but everyone brought treats to share, so we snacked all evening. 

These two books worms had to be cajoled into chatting, but after that they were thick as thieves. 

We had 4 fun families there, but since we barely managed to get our family pictures, and painfully at that, we didn’t force the group picture. I kinda wish we had though. 

It was us, Dorn’s, Darrow’s, and Martines’. 

The fireworks were fun, and we all enjoyed visiting and it was just a lovely evening. Even Matt said as we left now nice it was to hang out with friends. 

It took us almost an hour to get home with the bridge traffic, but it wasn’t too terrible. 

It was supposed to rain all week, but mostly hasn’t, and that fact has thrown me a little off my game. We’d planned a Harry Potter marathon for the first rainy day, so when we’d shopped Wednesday, I’d let them all pick movie treats. They badgered me into promising Friday as a movie day, so even though it was clear and hot all day, we stayed inside and Harry Potter’d it up. We watched the first one yesterday; and are currently on #5. We ❤️ HP. The girls have literally eaten candy from the second the got up until the nice dinner I made them eat. I think that’s ok every once in awhile. We had talked about watching fireworks at the river concert, but Matt works tomorrow and wanted us to stay home with him, which is ok with me. I’d love to hang out with friends, but it is super hot, and far away. 

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