Tuesday, July 2, 2019

#33 Gwynns Falls Trail

Our last stop of the day was Gwynns Falls Trails. This part of the trail was washed up and busted. 

Happy me, checking 5 spots off my list. 

 We weren’t sure what to expect, so we’d brought swimsuits and towels, but when we got there it was pretty apparent that it wasn’t really swimmable. The girls were sad, sad, sad. 

There were lots of trails around, so we took one to check out the mansion. So many mansions! This was an interesting empty tomb thing. 🤷‍♀️

Delaney and I brought up the rear. She is so slow!

I don’t know?

Walking with a purpose. The path was mostly uphill and since it had just rained it was steamy and muddy in parts. Like a sauna, good for the skin. 

I had to ask Matt to slow down because baby bug is still the baby of the family. She did pretty well and didn’t complain too much. 

We made it to the top! And there were roads and cars. 🤷‍♀️ It’s now an Americorp camp. 

The whole trail is 15 miles long with several different trailheads. It would be so fun to bike!

And back to the busted trail. D balanced pretty well on a random gas pipe. #safetyfirst

Lisa has been in the hospital in Baltimore, so I couldn’t be that close without visiting her. Matt dropped me off and took the girls for ice cream to make up for the Falls disappointment. 

They support me in every aspect of my calling and I’m so grateful for their sacrifice and service. 

We had a lovely day adventuring all around Baltimore, and the driving only got hairy towards the last stop. Then the ride home was easy and as quick as possible. 

39 mbp’s down, 11 to go!

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