Monday, July 1, 2019

Sandy Point

After the mansion fail we went to Sandy Point State Park. I’ve been there for lighthousing purposes, but we had brought swimsuits for some fun. 
It’s always fun, and a little weird’ish to swim in the shadow of landmarks. 

Frankie and I dug in the sand and built drip castles. We also found several clumps of some kind of tiny eggs. I thought they were gross, but franks picked them up and incorporated them into her castle. 

We found a beautiful mermaid. 

Little elf ears. 

The beach was so crowded! I’m used to our little bay beaches down south where there are maybe a dozen other people. It was wild!

My beach’s girls could play all day. 

D found our only piece of sea glass. 

After the swimming fun, Frankie and I walked over to the non swimming (dangerous currents) part of the beach to see our lights. 

There she is! And there I am with ma’ early summer farmers tan. 

They are doing some work on her, hopefully to make it so we can go inside!

And way out there on the left is the Baltimore light. 💕

Heading out for our trek hone. 

“Take a picture, mommy!” #8649. 

We chatted some and listened to 39 Clues some and the whole day was lovely. We got home with just enough time for Matt and girls to hit the pool for an hour to rinse and shower, and me to make dinner. 

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