Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Summer days

I got up early Sunday to get ready for ward council. I was all ready to go when David called to tell me there was no electricity at the church and they were canceling WC. It was nice because I was able to help get girls into the shower and our morning was running super smoothly. We’d just gotten our last girl out of the shower, when bishop called to say conditions had deteriorated and they were cancelling church. It’s like a snow day in June. 

We made a list of what we wanted to do, and except for setting up Addie’s blog, we got it all done. In adventures in cooking, D made mac’n’cheese. She approved!

One of the girls to dos was a game, so we played the worlds longest game of Life. 

We also made banana bread, went on a few visits, did Come Follow Me, read from Grandma Ray’s book, took naps, and wrote postcards. 

Monday was a catch up cleaning day. We listened to 39 Clues while we cleaned and organized. I tutored in the afternoon, and when we finished up, we saw dark black smoke coming from a few blocks away. It was right next to the fire department, thankfully, so by the time I left they were already getting it contained. 

For our fhe treat we had spaghetti ice cream made with the German press my mom gave us. 

The girls thought it was super fun. 

I love Cone Follow Me. I’m so grateful for such a detailed roadmap of what to study and I’ve loved deepening my relationship with my Savior. I wish it was around when the big kids were little. 

Frankie had our activity and, surprise! She picked for us to watch funny videos. We love to laugh together. 

Today we had a great presidency meeting. I’m so grateful to work and serve with so many wonderful ladies. The kids all played crazy and loud, but no real trouble. We worked on our summer library goals and went to the library. Since Matt had a meeting, we met the Aina’s at the pool for a few hours. After, the girls played at the park. 

Happy summer days!

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