Friday, November 7, 2014

frances the frog

after the trunk or treat we swung by mcd's and the girls got these hilarious glasses that they haven't taken off since. no kidding, they've worn them to school. like every day.
frankie is an off the wall trip! i love the way her brain works and she is soooo her own girl. she is a little animal loving, friend playing, hair doing (she's surprisingly gentle) sweetie.
evidence that she's a mini-matt:
the biting of the toenails.
she bites her fingernails too, just for good measure.
ps - matt doesn't bite his toenails. anymore.
some fun frankie memories:

*me - "frankie, what animal would you be if you could choose?" frankie - "a fox. so i could eat everything up and spit it into my babies mouth." what?

*after we went to assateague all we heard about for days and days was "misty of shinkatink." oh, that misty! from that shinkatink.

*speaking of things she's obsessed with. lighthouses with ghosts. give her 5 minutes and she will tell you allll about it. no matter who you are. missionaries? sure. teacher at church to watch the primary program? yes. random stranger on the street? no problem.

*one morning when she came into my room (she's still my early riser!) to wake me up i asked her to lay with me and she said "is your breath good?" then after smelling, she said "it is not." she tells it like she sees it, that frankie-girl.

*several months ago when brenna started coming around, frankie put her cute little foot even further into her mouth than she does when she's trimming her toenails. we had picked brenna up and after saying hellp to her she innocently asked "bubba, did jordan move?" 
oh, the trials of having teenage siblings that date. 
brenna later told chris that she hoped she wouldn't be moving anytime soon. ;)

*the girls love watching shows on the ipad. one day they had accidentally clicked on a spanish version of barbie life in the dream house, so when frankie brought it to me she said "can the say it like we say it?" 

so simple and sweet.
and honest. very, very honest.
showing off the little knot on her head. girlfriend plays rough.
this 4-year-old is crazy, loud, emotional, impatient, and so super sweet.
love her to pieces!

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