Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Recital pictures

Thanks to Sarah I have even more ballet pictures! She got the cd of pictures they had taken at the recital and she was nice enough to share them with me. Yay!!!

Addie and Frankie arriving for the show. They had to wear things they could easily pull off, not go over their heads. That explains the swim cover up Addie is wearing. 
Little cinderella's ready to dance! Frankie is the very first cinderelly. 
I loooove goofy four year old ballerinas. It's like almost graceful looking, but not really. (:
Frankie is in the background. She had a class full of little blondies! They all looked alike!
And then those cute Minnie's!
Addie and Abby danced next to eachother. They were positioned all the way on the end, probably because they were so good and they didn't want them to outshine everyone else. (; Addie is on the far left here. 
Those huge gloves! Love!
There was only one boy in class, so he got to be the Mickey everyone cheered for. Addie is the very last Minnie on the right. 
Waving to their loyal fans as they exit the stage. 
The performance was so fun! I loved it and I'm sad we won't be part of this years. We'll just have to go see lily dance. we'll make it a fun girls night out! (:

1 comment:

Alecia said...

Yes, come see Lily! She will be in the big show this year and it is going to be so fun. They're doing an adaptation of Charlotte's Web.