Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fourth fun!

We tried to do lots of fourth of july'ish things. We made patriotic punch with v8 fusion strawberry, Gatorade, and diet sprite. 
Frankie was the only one (including Matt) that actually drank it. She's a juicer through and through!
We made the traditional flag cake. 
Then I tried to get a picture...
'Twas a rough picture taking day. 
I never decorated this year, so we also pulled out the 4th of July box and then the girls carried around flags all day. 
On Tuesday Christian's boss asked if he'd be willing to work at FF on the 4th. He reluctantly agreed. So at 4 we took him a change of cloths so brenna's family could pick him up after work, and then headed down to St Mary's City. Lexi spent the day helping her friends mom with her catering business on base. 

We met up with the watson's and saved a big ol' space on the green. 
And then half of the families that go to church on Old Rolling Road showed up and it was so fun!
Myers, henrichsons, smiths, tripps, Utzingers, torgesons, reeds, and Oakes, played and frolicked with us. 
It was the most perfect weather ever. We had some crazy cold front come through that made everything cool and perfect. No humidity even! We even had windows open at home! Windows typically stay locked, with ac on, from early June to early September. This has been delightful!
Frankie is baby crazy!
She asks to hold just about every baby she sees anymore. 
We brought ribs, pasta salad, watermelon, and corn on the cob for dinner. Then we shared our flag cake with the gang. 
It was so crowded! And my only complaint would be the sun was so bright behind the stage. But after that went down - perfection. 
Until the fireworks. That's when Delaney decided she does not like fireworks. She kind of eyed them angrily while I held my hand over her ear. 
After the concert we decided to hang out  and wait for traffic to die down. Which took over forever. 
We'd brought sparklers with us, so we broke them out at our car and let the girls play. 
They loved them!
We went for a walk and talked about the sights, sounds, and smells. 
We swung girls about and frolicked as best we could on a small patch of gravel in a parking lot. 
Everyone was happy, so we rolled with it. It was fun till the end!
The cars didn't move for at least 20 minutes. Like, at all. 
We didn't make it home till 11:30. 
At which time the girlies looked like this. Laney hung tough till the end! She was happy and talkative and then went to bed super easy! 
Marvelous day!

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