Friday, March 30, 2012

2 whole months - by delaney

frankie told me that all the cool kids write their monthly posts a day late.
i'm a late kinda gal, so i like that mentality.
so, onto my month!
i love sleeping in my car seat. i've slept the longest stretches of time in there, 6 hours one time and 7 hours another. i don't even mind driving in the car, as long as we're moving. once the car stops, i pretty much hate it. traffic is a bad, bad thing when i'm around.
and while we're talking about seats, i get put in this one an awful lot too. i'm usually good in this seat for anywhere from 15-45 minutes. after that i lose my cool.
(ps - this is a relaxing way to lay, you should try it sometime)
my mom says i've got the giant cheeks. i say i'm storing up for the winter.
next winter. 
huge cheeks exhibit b:
and from another angle, exhibit c:
also, a milk coma.
if you thought i used to smile a lot, you should see me now!
morning smile...
after bath smile...
all dressed up and ready for a garden party smile...
all dressed up and ready for a cotillion smile...
you get the picture(s).

it is super exhausting being me. just trying to survive my big sisters and brother keeps me pretty pooped.
so here are some of my fav sleep positions.

flexing my muscles...
sleeping in a delicate pink haze... ;)
contemplating  lifes mysteries...
keeping track of ma food...
and finally, my favorite,
i'm learning to live with my siblings though.
and you know what, sometimes they're pretty okay.
my mom says i've got 2 cute chins.
she always smiles when she talks about my chins though, so it's gotta be good, right?
i celebrated my first st. patricks day.
and sneezed a little.
must have been all those kisses.
(my shirt said "kiss me, i'm adoreable," and they did. oh they did.)
i miss my long luxiorious haired cousin quinn.
or tin, if you're frankie.
i've long outgrown all of my newborn outfits. this has been hard on my mom.
on this day she kept saying "but it's so cute and if you just keep it tucked in it fits just fine!"
who does she think she's fooling?
i got to wear this cute blankie suit when it snowed. this was after my mom scrubbed my face.
it's tough being me, but i'm trying to find the joy.
to that end, i've taken up singing as a hobby.
♫ r-e-s-p-e-c-t, find out what it means to me... ♪
alright, that is all.
i've got some dr. evil'ish things to get into.
see you next month!
probably another day late.



1 comment:

auntie henna said...

oh yaney, tin and auntie henna love you.