Saturday, October 5, 2024

Wish you were here

It worked best for us to have our food drive cookie stand on Sunday evening, which meant I couldn’t be there.

The Shallington girls came over to help, and though they didn’t get a lot of customers, they did fill our box and we’d also received several bags from another neighbor earlier in the week. 

I went to stake council, then drove up to the Bowie building and gave my talk which went well, visited with their relief society president, then made my way up to NY. The leaves are changing and it was a really lovely and pretty drive. 

We visited for a few hours when I got there. It’s soooo nice to be within driving distance from Amy and my dad!

I got to spend the whole week with this fashionista!

The BiPAP machine is large and annoying, but has been a real game changer!

I brought a bag of things to do and we did almost all of them. I still wish he would have agreed to Skipbo. 

Amy had a list of chores for me to work on and i whittled tasks off that list every morni my before heading to the hospital. One of my tasks was to find some military forms and take them to the VA and pick up some supplies. One of which was a nice new rollator. We had to guarantee we’d get him trained on it and I had to accept liability if he didn’t. Digital proof of his training. 👇🏻 

We got permission from our favorite nurse tech to have 3 visitors one evening and we all had a good chat. 

We love our dad! He’s got a good support team surrounding him. 

He had to have two catheterizations that week - bummer! I was able to hang out with him during his recovery. Me and his trusty beret. There will be fisticuffs whenever he’s ready to get rid of that beauty, we all want it. 🤣

We watched my dad’s fav Ilona Maher on Dancing with the Stars and even though he acted like he didn’t want to watch with me, he loved it. I also happened to beat him at dominos like, 6 times, because I don’t care what kind of terminal illness you have, I’m a competitor. 😘 

In all seriousness, I tried to bring some light heartedness and humor to a tough situation, and I dare say I did. My fam is pretty good at that. 

Delaney texted me one night that she loved and missed me and also she missed Max, so we had to send her this “wish you were here!” Pic. 

This gets me to Wednesday night of my week in NY. 

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