Monday, October 7, 2024

New York wrap up

This is the kind of adorable picture you’ll get if you take your time seeing my dad in the morning. Happy and impatient smilin’ jack!

I was late because I had washed my hair and wanted to use Sandy’s hair setter thingy. It was interesting, but my curls did look good and it was nice to have my hands free. 

Avoid slips, trips, and broken hips! Good life maxim there. 

Love that jaunty beret. 

I’m so grateful I was able to spend a whole week with my dad, and not just because I beat him at dominos every time we played.

It was really a sweet time. I swung by Saturday morning on my way out of town and hung out till lunchtime. We’ll be in NY for thanksgiving, so we’ll see the NY-groves again soon. 

I got home Saturday night and my crew wasn’t home yet. For Christmas we got the girls gift cards for Sandy Springs Adventure Park and I thought that would be a fun thing for Matt to do with the girls. He loved it! I didn’t realize he’d never been. The girls showed him the ropes, literally, and they all had a good time. Then they went to Golden Corral after. I was able to get all unpacked and showered before they got home. 

I had a couple meetings before church Sunday and then went to our ward. And then on Monday I went hardcore and got loads done and took one picture of one of my favorite sights. I’m a simple gal and I do love a vacuum mark.  

The girls had their first day back to piano while I was gone, so I took them to their second week, home for a quick dinner, then D to ballet. I had a list of errands to do and since she stayed an extra hour to make up for missing when she was sick, I had 2.5 hours to shop. 

The sisters had texted to let us knownl Sister Larson was being transferred, so on Tuesday they stopped over to say goodbye. These are sweet girls doing amazing things! We love having the missionaries in our home!

Monday was a get ‘er done day and Tuesday was not. I am going through all our games and puzzles to see if we have all the pieces and still want to keep them. I love puzzles with lots of small pictures, I don’t need a difficult puzzle thankyouverymuch. I stayed up way late puzzling - exhibit J that I’m a real grandma, literally. 

And finally, I love this beautiful painting. ❤️ Every once in awhile I miss having babies but then I remember I can nap whenever I want and don’t have to change diapers and I’m pretty happy. Also, we have fun kids, so its all good. 

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