Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October love

October + Anne = Perfection 
Alli and Tenkor came down for an evening and while Matt was playing with Tenkor she scratched him right across his face. First time in all his roughhousing with her!

That day, last Wednesday Matt and I had been working on our drain. I came inside to get ready to take Delaney to the dentist when I saw someone in the backyard with Matt. I had my suspicions so I joined them. Long story short, one of the town guys tattled about our “unauthorized” French drains. Gentle reminder that in the *literal years* we’ve been searching for solutions to our water issues no one, not one person, including the town guy tattle taler ever said that French drains with a pop up near the sidewalk are prohibited. In fact, this was most people’s recommendation. I felt so frustrated and defeated and I let him know. Matt was frustrated too but then he changed his tune and mildly acquiesced. 

Well it turns out our unplanned good cop/bad cop (I am seriously skimming all the details of the interaction, i even cancelled Delaney’s appointment to stay and find out what was happening) routine worked and he told us not to do anything yet and that he would talk to the first town guy. The next day town planner guy showed back up to let us know that ours is a special case and they’ll allow our French drains. 🙄🤦‍♀️ Its so very frustrating, I’m just grateful they came around 

Delaney is a special girl and she’s been wanting to buy a skeleton for awhile. I finally agreed and then she asked if her skeleton could have a friend. I finally agreed to that and she paid for them and was happy as a clam dressing them up and positioning them just so. Their first night was spent in the seminary room being A+ students.  

Literally Delaney. 

We’re busy busy planning organization training and service project and visitor center Christmas stuff and temple and family history trainings. A season of abundance. 

And in the midst of all the abundance, Alecia and I had planned a whole day at the temple. My heart felt anxious as I left so many tasks to be completed at home. I was just praying to feel peace, and of course I did. We did 2 endowment sessions and initiatories and we were able to take our time and it was a beautiful day. 

And then we were famished and went to Cheesecake Factory where we ate so much that we left some sweet corn tamale because we couldn’t take one more bite. It was a really wonderful day. 

Matt asked me a few months ago if I wanted to go to an Australian Military Gala. Without thinking about it I said of course! And then a few weeks later I learned we had to pay for it and it was not cheap. I chose to be a supportive wife, but then the day crept up on me and I don’t own a formal dress and don’t really want to spend the money. Matt assured me any dress in my closet would work and I decided as long as Matt thought I looked good, I was fine.  

And then I was uncomfortable because of course we were wildly underdressed, even Matt was like oooooohhhhh. There was lots of drinking and silliness and it just wasn’t my favorite night. I think Matt enjoyed it and got to spend time with his new group for work. One funny thing - we walked in and there was a table with free champagne, so we went to the bar and got a soda, and the bartender was like “that will be $2.” All the free beer and wine, but not soft drinks. Got it. 🤦‍♀️

I also had to leave midway through (I wasn’t sad about it) to pick Delaney up from dance and drop her home and we hit 52,700 in the space car. Since I was stopped at a light when I noticed it, I’m memorializing it here. Fascinating stuff. 

Alien eye randomness. 

I sent the boys these cute pj’s. Holiday pjs>regular pjs. 

I’m printing pictures from Halloween’s past. 

I had 3 years unaccounted for. 

Got these prints and frames ordered and another task checked off my to do list. 

The mornings are dark and crisp and the days are cool and comfortable. October is shaping up nicely. 

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